HyPar  1.0
Finite-Difference Hyperbolic-Parabolic PDE Solver on Cartesian Grids
2D Euler Equations (with gravitational force) - Rising Thermal Bubble

Location: hypar/Examples/2D/NavierStokes2D/RisingThermalBubble (This directory contains all the input files needed to run this case. If there is a Run.m, run it in MATLAB to quickly set up, run, and visualize the example).

Governing equations: 2D Euler Equations (navierstokes2d.h - By default, NavierStokes2D::Re is set to -1 which makes the code skip the parabolic terms, i.e., the 2D Euler equations are solved.)


  • Giraldo, F.X., Restelli, M., "A study of spectral element and discontinuous Galerkin methods for the Navier–Stokes equations in nonhydrostatic mesoscale atmospheric modeling: Equation sets and test cases", J. Comput. Phys., 227, 2008, 3849–3877, (Section 3.2).

Domain: \(0 \le x,y \le 1000\,m\), "slip-wall" (_SLIP_WALL_) boundary conditions on all sides.

Initial solution: See references above.

Other parameters (all dimensional quantities are in SI units):

Numerical method:

Input files required:


ndims 2
nvars 4
size 201 201
iproc 4 3
ghost 3
n_iter 70000
restart_iter 0
time_scheme rk
time_scheme_type ssprk3
hyp_space_scheme weno5
hyp_flux_split no
hyp_interp_type components
par_space_type nonconservative-2stage
par_space_scheme 4
dt 0.01
conservation_check no
screen_op_iter 175
file_op_iter 1750
input_mode serial
ip_file_type binary
output_mode serial
op_file_format binary
op_overwrite no
model navierstokes2d


slip-wall 0 1 0 0 0 1000.0
0.0 0.0
slip-wall 0 -1 0 0 0 1000.0
0.0 0.0
slip-wall 1 1 0 1000.0 0 0
0.0 0.0
slip-wall 1 -1 0 1000.0 0 0
0.0 0.0


gamma 1.4
upwinding rusanov
gravity 0.0 9.8
rho_ref 1.1612055171196529
p_ref 100000.0
R 287.058
HB 2

weno.inp (optional)

mapped 0
borges 0
yc 1
no_limiting 0
epsilon 0.000001
p 2.0
rc 0.3
xi 0.001

To generate initial.inp (initial solution), compile and run the following code in the run directory.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
double raiseto(double x, double a)
int main()
double gamma = 1.4;
double R = 287.058;
double rho_ref = 1.1612055171196529;
double p_ref = 100000.0;
double grav_x = 0.0;
double grav_y = 9.8;
int HB = 0;
int NI,NJ,ndims;
char ip_file_type[50]; strcpy(ip_file_type,"ascii");
FILE *in;
printf("Reading file \"solver.inp\"...\n");
in = fopen("solver.inp","r");
if (!in) {
printf("Error: Input file \"solver.inp\" not found.\n");
} else {
char word[500];
if (!strcmp(word, "begin")) {
while (strcmp(word, "end")) {
if (!strcmp(word, "ndims")) fscanf(in,"%d",&ndims);
else if (!strcmp(word, "size")) {
} else if (!strcmp(word, "ip_file_type")) fscanf(in,"%s",ip_file_type);
} else printf("Error: Illegal format in solver.inp. Crash and burn!\n");
printf("Reading file \"physics.inp\"...\n");
in = fopen("physics.inp","r");
if (!in) {
printf("Error: Input file \"physics.inp\" not found.\n");
} else {
char word[500];
if (!strcmp(word, "begin")) {
while (strcmp(word, "end")) {
if (!strcmp(word, "rho_ref")) fscanf(in,"%lf",&rho_ref);
else if (!strcmp(word, "p_ref" )) fscanf(in,"%lf",&p_ref );
else if (!strcmp(word, "gamma" )) fscanf(in,"%lf",&gamma );
else if (!strcmp(word, "R" )) fscanf(in,"%lf",&R );
else if (!strcmp(word, "HB" )) fscanf(in,"%d" ,&HB );
else if (!strcmp(word, "gravity")) {
fscanf(in,"%lf",&grav_x );
fscanf(in,"%lf",&grav_y );
} else printf("Error: Illegal format in physics.inp. Crash and burn!\n");
if (ndims != 2) {
printf("ndims is not 2 in solver.inp. this code is to generate 2D initial conditions\n");
if (HB != 2) {
printf("Error: Specify \"HB\" as 2 in physics.inp.\n");
printf("Grid:\t\t\t%d X %d\n",NI,NJ);
printf("Reference density and pressure: %lf, %lf.\n",rho_ref,p_ref);
int i,j;
double dx = 1000.0 / ((double)(NI-1));
double dy = 1000.0 / ((double)(NJ-1));
double *x, *y, *u0, *u1, *u2, *u3;
x = (double*) calloc (NI , sizeof(double));
y = (double*) calloc (NJ , sizeof(double));
u0 = (double*) calloc (NI*NJ, sizeof(double));
u1 = (double*) calloc (NI*NJ, sizeof(double));
u2 = (double*) calloc (NI*NJ, sizeof(double));
u3 = (double*) calloc (NI*NJ, sizeof(double));
/* Initial perturbation center */
double xc = 500;
double yc = 350;
double Cp = gamma * R / (gamma-1.0);
/* initial perturbation parameters */
double tc = 0.5;
double pi = 4.0*atan(1.0);
double rc = 250.0;
double T_ref = p_ref / (R * rho_ref);
for (i = 0; i < NI; i++){
for (j = 0; j < NJ; j++){
x[i] = i*dx;
y[j] = j*dy;
int p = NJ*i + j;
/* temperature peturbation */
double r = sqrt((x[i]-xc)*(x[i]-xc)+(y[j]-yc)*(y[j]-yc));
double dtheta = (r>rc ? 0.0 : (0.5*tc*(1.0+cos(pi*r/rc))) );
double theta = T_ref + dtheta;
double Pexner = 1.0 - (grav_y*y[j])/(Cp*T_ref);
double rho = (p_ref/(R*theta)) * raiseto(Pexner, (1.0/(gamma-1.0)));
double E = rho * (R/(gamma-1.0)) * theta*Pexner;
u0[p] = rho;
u1[p] = 0.0;
u2[p] = 0.0;
u3[p] = E;
FILE *out;
if (!strcmp(ip_file_type,"ascii")) {
printf("Writing ASCII initial solution file initial.inp\n");
out = fopen("initial.inp","w");
for (i = 0; i < NI; i++) fprintf(out,"%lf ",x[i]);
for (j = 0; j < NJ; j++) fprintf(out,"%lf ",y[j]);
for (j = 0; j < NJ; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < NI; i++) {
int p = NJ*i + j;
fprintf(out,"%lf ",u0[p]);
for (j = 0; j < NJ; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < NI; i++) {
int p = NJ*i + j;
fprintf(out,"%lf ",u1[p]);
for (j = 0; j < NJ; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < NI; i++) {
int p = NJ*i + j;
fprintf(out,"%lf ",u2[p]);
for (j = 0; j < NJ; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < NI; i++) {
int p = NJ*i + j;
fprintf(out,"%lf ",u3[p]);
} else if ((!strcmp(ip_file_type,"binary")) || (!strcmp(ip_file_type,"bin"))) {
printf("Writing binary initial solution file initial.inp\n");
out = fopen("initial.inp","wb");
double *U = (double*) calloc (4*NI*NJ,sizeof(double));
for (i=0; i < NI; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < NJ; j++) {
int p = NJ*i + j;
int q = NI*j + i;
U[4*q+0] = u0[p];
U[4*q+1] = u1[p];
U[4*q+2] = u2[p];
U[4*q+3] = u3[p];


Note that iproc is set to

  4 3

in solver.inp (i.e., 4 processors along x, and 3 processor along y). Thus, this example should be run with 12 MPI ranks (or change iproc).

After running the code, there should be 41 output files op_00000.bin, op_00001.bin, ... op_00040.bin; the first one is the solution at \(t=0s\) and the final one is the solution at \(t=700s\). Since HyPar::op_overwrite is set to no in solver.inp, separate files are written for solutions at each output time.

HyPar::op_file_format is set to binary in solver.inp, and thus, all the files are written out in the binary format, see WriteBinary(). The binary file contains the conserved variables \(\left(\rho, \rho u, \rho v, e\right)\). The following code converts these variables to the primitive variables of interest to atmospheric flows \(\left(\rho, u, v, p, \theta\right)\). It also writes out the hydrostatically balanced quantities \(\left(\rho_0,\pi_0, \theta_0\right)\) for this case that can be used to compute and plot the temperature and density perturbations. These variables are then written to either a tecplot2d or text file. (compile and run it in the run directory):

Rising Thermal Bubble:-
The code takes a binary solution file (that contains the
conserved variable (rho, rho*u, rho*v, e) as its input
and calculates the primitive atmospheric flow variables:
rho, u, v, P, theta, pi, rho0, P0, theta0, pi0
and writes them to a tecplot file.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
typedef struct _parameters_{
double grav_x, grav_y, R, gamma, P_ref, rho_ref;
int HB;
} Parameters;
void IncrementFilename(char *f)
if (f[7] == '9') {
f[7] = '0';
if (f[6] == '9') {
f[6] = '0';
if (f[5] == '9') {
f[5] = '0';
if (f[4] == '9') {
f[4] = '0';
if (f[3] == '9') {
f[3] = '0';
fprintf(stderr,"Warning: file increment hit max limit. Resetting to zero.\n");
} else {
} else {
} else {
} else {
} else {
double raiseto(double x, double a)
void WriteTecplot2D(int nvars,int imax, int jmax,double *x,double *u,char *f)
printf("\tWriting tecplot solution file %s.\n",f);
FILE *out;
out = fopen(f,"w");
if (!out) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error: could not open %s for writing.\n",f);
double *X = x;
double *Y = x+imax;
/* writing tecplot data file headers */
fprintf(out,"ZONE I=%d,J=%d,F=POINT\n",imax,jmax);
/* writing the data */
int i,j;
for (j=0; j<jmax; j++) {
for (i=0; i<imax; i++) {
int v, p = i + imax*j;
fprintf(out,"%4d %4d ",i,j);
fprintf(out,"%1.16E %1.16E ",X[i],Y[j]);
for (v=0; v<nvars; v++) fprintf(out,"%1.16E ",u[nvars*p+v]);
void WriteText2D(int nvars,int imax, int jmax,double *x,double *u,char *f)
printf("\tWriting text solution file %s.\n",f);
FILE *out;
out = fopen(f,"w");
if (!out) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error: could not open %s for writing.\n",f);
double *X = x;
double *Y = x+imax;
/* writing the data */
int i,j;
for (j=0; j<jmax; j++) {
for (i=0; i<imax; i++) {
int v, p = i + imax*j;
fprintf(out,"%4d %4d ",i,j);
fprintf(out,"%1.16E %1.16E ",X[i],Y[j]);
for (v=0; v<nvars; v++) fprintf(out,"%1.16E ",u[nvars*p+v]);
int PostProcess(char *fname, char *oname, void *p, int flag)
Parameters *params = (Parameters*) p;
FILE *in; in = fopen(fname,"rb");
if (!in) return(-1);
printf("Reading file %s.\n",fname);
int ndims, nvars;
double *U,*x;
/* read the file headers */
/* some checks */
if (ndims != 2) {
printf("Error: ndims in %s not equal to 2!\n",fname);
if (nvars != 4) {
printf("Error: nvars in %s not equal to 4!\n",fname);
/* read dimensions */
int dims[ndims];
printf("Dimensions: %d x %d\n",dims[0],dims[1]);
printf("Nvars : %d\n",nvars);
/* allocate grid and solution arrays */
x = (double*) calloc (dims[0]+dims[1] ,sizeof(double));
U = (double*) calloc (dims[0]*dims[1]*nvars ,sizeof(double));
/* read grid and solution */
fread(x,sizeof(double),dims[0]+dims[1] ,in);
/* done reading */
int imax = dims[0];
int jmax = dims[1];
/* allocate primitive variable array (rho, u, v, P, theta, rho0, P0, pi0, theta0) */
int evars = 5;
double *Q = (double*) calloc ((nvars+evars)*imax*jmax,sizeof(double));
/* calculate primitive variables */
int i, j;
double *X = x;
double *Y = x+imax;
double grav_y = params->grav_y;
double R = params->R;
double gamma = params->gamma;
double P_ref = params->P_ref;
double rho_ref = params->rho_ref;
double T_ref = P_ref / (R*rho_ref);
double inv_gamma_m1 = 1.0 / (gamma-1.0);
double Cp = gamma * inv_gamma_m1 * R;
for (i=0; i<imax; i++) {
for (j=0; j<jmax; j++) {
int p = i + imax*j;
double rho0, theta0, Pexner, P0;
theta0 = T_ref;
Pexner = 1.0 - (grav_y*Y[j])/(Cp*T_ref);
rho0 = (P_ref/(R*theta0)) * raiseto(Pexner, inv_gamma_m1);
P0 = P_ref * raiseto(Pexner, gamma*inv_gamma_m1);
double rho, uvel, vvel, E, P, theta;
rho = U[nvars*p+0];
uvel = U[nvars*p+1] / rho;
vvel = U[nvars*p+2] / rho;
E = U[nvars*p+3];
P = (gamma-1.0) * (E - 0.5*rho*(uvel*uvel+vvel*vvel));
theta = (E-0.5*rho*(uvel*uvel+vvel*vvel))/(Pexner*rho) * ((gamma-1.0)/R);
Q[(nvars+evars)*p+0] = rho;
Q[(nvars+evars)*p+1] = uvel;
Q[(nvars+evars)*p+2] = vvel;
Q[(nvars+evars)*p+3] = P;
Q[(nvars+evars)*p+4] = theta;
Q[(nvars+evars)*p+5] = rho0;
Q[(nvars+evars)*p+6] = P0;
Q[(nvars+evars)*p+7] = Pexner;
Q[(nvars+evars)*p+8] = theta0;
/* write Tecplot/Text file */
if (flag) WriteTecplot2D(nvars+evars,imax,jmax,x,Q,oname);
else WriteText2D (nvars+evars,imax,jmax,x,Q,oname);
/* clean up */
int main()
FILE *out1, *out2, *in, *inputs;
char filename[50], op_file_format[50], tecfile[50], overwrite[50];
int flag;
printf("Write tecplot file (1) or plain text file (0): ");
if ((flag != 1) && (flag != 0)) {
printf("Error: Invalid input. Should be 1 or 0.\n");
printf("Reading solver.inp.\n");
inputs = fopen("solver.inp","r");
if (!inputs) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error: File \"solver.inp\" not found.\n");
} else {
char word[100];
if (!strcmp(word, "begin")){
while (strcmp(word, "end")){
if (!strcmp(word, "op_file_format" )) fscanf(inputs,"%s" ,op_file_format);
else if (!strcmp(word, "op_overwrite" )) fscanf(inputs,"%s" ,overwrite );
if (strcmp(op_file_format,"binary") && strcmp(op_file_format,"bin")) {
printf("Error: solution output needs to be in binary files.\n");
Parameters params;
/* default values */
params.grav_x = 0.0;
params.grav_y = 9.8;
params.R = 287.058;
params.gamma = 1.4;
params.P_ref = 100000.0;
params.rho_ref = 100000.0 / (params.R * 300.0);
params.HB = 0;
/* read these parameters from file */
printf("Reading physics.inp.\n");
inputs = fopen("physics.inp","r");
if (!inputs) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error: File \"physics.inp\" not found.\n");
} else {
char word[100];
if (!strcmp(word, "begin")){
while (strcmp(word, "end")){
if (!strcmp(word, "gamma")) fscanf(inputs,"%lf",&params.gamma);
else if (!strcmp(word, "gravity")) {
} else if (!strcmp(word,"p_ref")) fscanf(inputs,"%lf",&params.P_ref);
else if (!strcmp(word,"rho_ref")) fscanf(inputs,"%lf",&params.rho_ref);
else if (!strcmp(word,"HB")) fscanf(inputs,"%d",&params.HB);
if (params.HB != 2) {
printf("Error: \"HB\" must be specified as 2 in physics.inp.\n");
if (!strcmp(overwrite,"no")) {
while(1) {
/* set filename */
tecfile[9] = 'd';
tecfile[10] = 'a';
tecfile[11] = 't';
int err = PostProcess(filename, tecfile, &params, flag);
if (err == -1) {
printf("No more files found. Exiting.\n");
} else if (!strcmp(overwrite,"yes")) {
/* set filename */
tecfile[3] = 'd';
tecfile[4] = 'a';
tecfile[5] = 't';
int err = PostProcess(filename, tecfile, &params, flag);
if (err == -1) {
printf("Error: op.bin not found.\n");

The following plot shows the potential temperature perturbation contours at the final time t=700s. It was plotted using VisIt (https://wci.llnl.gov/simulation/computer-codes/visit/) with tecplot2d format chosen in the above postprocessing code.


The following animation was created using all the transient files:


If the postprocessing code above was used to write out files in text format, the following MATLAB script can be used to generate plots and visualize the solution:

% Script to plot the solution of the rising thermal bubble
% problem.
% Compile and run aux/PostProcess.c after simulation is
% completed and choose text output.
clear all;
close all;
flag = 1;
if (exist('op.dat','file'))
flag = 0;
elseif (exist('op_00000.dat','file'))
flag = 1;
fprintf('Error: No solution files exist.\n');
% get physical domain dimensions from any one solution file
if (flag)
data = load('op_00000.dat');
data = load('op.dat');
imax = max(data(:,1)) + 1;
jmax = max(data(:,2)) + 1;
xcoord = reshape(data(:,3),imax,jmax);
ycoord = reshape(data(:,4),imax,jmax);
xlen = max(xcoord(:,1)) - min(xcoord(:,1));
zlen = max(ycoord(1,:)) - min(ycoord(1,:));
% Get screen size
scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize');
width = max(min(scrsz(3),1000),640);
height = 0.9 * width;
% open figure window
scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize');
figSolution = figure('Position',[1 scrsz(4)/2 width height]);
maxfiles = 1000;
if (flag)
for n = 1:maxfiles
filename = ['op_',sprintf('%05d',n-1),'.dat'];
if (~exist(filename,'file'))
fprintf('No more files found.\n');
fprintf('Plotting %s.\n',filename);
% read in the solution
data = load(filename);
rho = reshape(data(:, 5),imax,jmax);
uvel = reshape(data(:, 6),imax,jmax);
vvel = reshape(data(:, 7),imax,jmax);
P = reshape(data(:, 8),imax,jmax);
theta = reshape(data(:, 9),imax,jmax);
rho0 = reshape(data(:,10),imax,jmax);
P0 = reshape(data(:,11),imax,jmax);
Pexner = reshape(data(:,12),imax,jmax);
theta0 = reshape(data(:,13),imax,jmax);
% plot the solution
handle = contourf(xcoord,ycoord,theta-theta0,'LineColor','none', ...
% write plot to files
filename = 'op.dat';
if (~exist(filename,'file'))
fprintf('Plotting %s.\n',filename);
% read in the solution
data = load(filename);
rho = reshape(data(:, 5),imax,jmax);
uvel = reshape(data(:, 6),imax,jmax);
vvel = reshape(data(:, 7),imax,jmax);
P = reshape(data(:, 8),imax,jmax);
theta = reshape(data(:, 9),imax,jmax);
rho0 = reshape(data(:,10),imax,jmax);
P0 = reshape(data(:,11),imax,jmax);
Pexner = reshape(data(:,12),imax,jmax);
theta0 = reshape(data(:,13),imax,jmax);
% plot the solution
handle = contourf(xcoord,ycoord,theta-theta0,'LineColor','none', ...
% write plot to files

Expected screen output:

HyPar - Parallel (MPI) version with 12 processes
Reading solver inputs from file "solver.inp".
No. of dimensions : 2
No. of variables : 4
Domain size : 201 201
Processes along each dimension : 4 3
No. of ghosts pts : 3
No. of iter. : 70000
Restart iteration : 0
Time integration scheme : rk (ssprk3)
Spatial discretization scheme (hyperbolic) : weno5
Split hyperbolic flux term? : no
Interpolation type for hyperbolic term : components
Spatial discretization type (parabolic ) : nonconservative-2stage
Spatial discretization scheme (parabolic ) : 4
Time Step : 1.000000E-02
Check for conservation : no
Screen output iterations : 175
File output iterations : 1750
Initial solution file type : binary
Initial solution read mode : serial
Solution file write mode : serial
Solution file format : binary
Overwrite solution file : no
Physical model : navierstokes2d
Partitioning domain.
Allocating data arrays.
Reading array from binary file initial.inp (Serial mode).
Volume integral of the initial solution:
0: 1.1258435182264741E+06
1: 0.0000000000000000E+00
2: 0.0000000000000000E+00
3: 2.3852437878605756E+11
Reading boundary conditions from "boundary.inp".
Boundary slip-wall: Along dimension 0 and face +1
Boundary slip-wall: Along dimension 0 and face -1
Boundary slip-wall: Along dimension 1 and face +1
Boundary slip-wall: Along dimension 1 and face -1
4 boundary condition(s) read.
Initializing solvers.
Reading WENO parameters from weno.inp.
Initializing physics. Model = "navierstokes2d"
Reading physical model inputs from file "physics.inp".
Setting up time integration.
Solving in time (from 0 to 70000 iterations)
Writing solution file op_00000.bin.
Iteration: 175 Time: 1.750E+00 Max CFL: 6.945E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7796E-02
Iteration: 350 Time: 3.500E+00 Max CFL: 6.945E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6966E-02
Iteration: 525 Time: 5.250E+00 Max CFL: 6.945E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.2958E-02
Iteration: 700 Time: 7.000E+00 Max CFL: 6.945E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7251E-02
Iteration: 875 Time: 8.750E+00 Max CFL: 6.945E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.2309E-02
Iteration: 1050 Time: 1.050E+01 Max CFL: 6.945E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5115E-02
Iteration: 1225 Time: 1.225E+01 Max CFL: 6.945E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5360E-02
Iteration: 1400 Time: 1.400E+01 Max CFL: 6.945E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6930E-02
Iteration: 1575 Time: 1.575E+01 Max CFL: 6.945E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5629E-02
Iteration: 1750 Time: 1.750E+01 Max CFL: 6.945E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 8.5366E-03
Writing solution file op_00001.bin.
Iteration: 1925 Time: 1.925E+01 Max CFL: 6.945E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.8304E-02
Iteration: 2100 Time: 2.100E+01 Max CFL: 6.945E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5000E-02
Iteration: 2275 Time: 2.275E+01 Max CFL: 6.945E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3802E-02
Iteration: 2450 Time: 2.450E+01 Max CFL: 6.945E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7930E-02
Iteration: 2625 Time: 2.625E+01 Max CFL: 6.945E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.0743E-02
Iteration: 2800 Time: 2.800E+01 Max CFL: 6.945E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6142E-02
Iteration: 2975 Time: 2.975E+01 Max CFL: 6.945E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5501E-02
Iteration: 3150 Time: 3.150E+01 Max CFL: 6.945E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5750E-02
Iteration: 3325 Time: 3.325E+01 Max CFL: 6.945E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6320E-02
Iteration: 3500 Time: 3.500E+01 Max CFL: 6.945E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 9.5676E-03
Writing solution file op_00002.bin.
Iteration: 3675 Time: 3.675E+01 Max CFL: 6.945E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7123E-02
Iteration: 3850 Time: 3.850E+01 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5272E-02
Iteration: 4025 Time: 4.025E+01 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4411E-02
Iteration: 4200 Time: 4.200E+01 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7949E-02
Iteration: 4375 Time: 4.375E+01 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.0287E-02
Iteration: 4550 Time: 4.550E+01 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5444E-02
Iteration: 4725 Time: 4.725E+01 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5892E-02
Iteration: 4900 Time: 4.900E+01 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6186E-02
Iteration: 5075 Time: 5.075E+01 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6232E-02
Iteration: 5250 Time: 5.250E+01 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 9.9337E-03
Writing solution file op_00003.bin.
Iteration: 5425 Time: 5.425E+01 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6764E-02
Iteration: 5600 Time: 5.600E+01 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4792E-02
Iteration: 5775 Time: 5.775E+01 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5596E-02
Iteration: 5950 Time: 5.950E+01 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7705E-02
Iteration: 6125 Time: 6.125E+01 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 9.0662E-03
Iteration: 6300 Time: 6.300E+01 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6537E-02
Iteration: 6475 Time: 6.475E+01 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6049E-02
Iteration: 6650 Time: 6.650E+01 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4616E-02
Iteration: 6825 Time: 6.825E+01 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7150E-02
Iteration: 7000 Time: 7.000E+01 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.0115E-02
Writing solution file op_00004.bin.
Iteration: 7175 Time: 7.175E+01 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6027E-02
Iteration: 7350 Time: 7.350E+01 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6267E-02
Iteration: 7525 Time: 7.525E+01 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4899E-02
Iteration: 7700 Time: 7.700E+01 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6016E-02
Iteration: 7875 Time: 7.875E+01 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.2246E-02
Iteration: 8050 Time: 8.050E+01 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6520E-02
Iteration: 8225 Time: 8.225E+01 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4198E-02
Iteration: 8400 Time: 8.400E+01 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6334E-02
Iteration: 8575 Time: 8.575E+01 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6935E-02
Iteration: 8750 Time: 8.750E+01 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 7.8059E-03
Writing solution file op_00005.bin.
Iteration: 8925 Time: 8.925E+01 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7503E-02
Iteration: 9100 Time: 9.100E+01 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5821E-02
Iteration: 9275 Time: 9.275E+01 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3280E-02
Iteration: 9450 Time: 9.450E+01 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.8122E-02
Iteration: 9625 Time: 9.625E+01 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.2310E-02
Iteration: 9800 Time: 9.800E+01 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4353E-02
Iteration: 9975 Time: 9.975E+01 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5512E-02
Iteration: 10150 Time: 1.015E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7008E-02
Iteration: 10325 Time: 1.033E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5754E-02
Iteration: 10500 Time: 1.050E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 9.9185E-03
Writing solution file op_00006.bin.
Iteration: 10675 Time: 1.068E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7376E-02
Iteration: 10850 Time: 1.085E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4497E-02
Iteration: 11025 Time: 1.103E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4675E-02
Iteration: 11200 Time: 1.120E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.8319E-02
Iteration: 11375 Time: 1.138E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.0554E-02
Iteration: 11550 Time: 1.155E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4834E-02
Iteration: 11725 Time: 1.173E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6262E-02
Iteration: 11900 Time: 1.190E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6490E-02
Iteration: 12075 Time: 1.208E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5372E-02
Iteration: 12250 Time: 1.225E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.0051E-02
Writing solution file op_00007.bin.
Iteration: 12425 Time: 1.243E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7643E-02
Iteration: 12600 Time: 1.260E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4459E-02
Iteration: 12775 Time: 1.278E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4673E-02
Iteration: 12950 Time: 1.295E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.8512E-02
Iteration: 13125 Time: 1.313E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.0056E-02
Iteration: 13300 Time: 1.330E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4651E-02
Iteration: 13475 Time: 1.348E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7205E-02
Iteration: 13650 Time: 1.365E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5860E-02
Iteration: 13825 Time: 1.383E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4556E-02
Iteration: 14000 Time: 1.400E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.2739E-02
Writing solution file op_00008.bin.
Iteration: 14175 Time: 1.418E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7297E-02
Iteration: 14350 Time: 1.435E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.2311E-02
Iteration: 14525 Time: 1.453E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6290E-02
Iteration: 14700 Time: 1.470E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.8716E-02
Iteration: 14875 Time: 1.488E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 7.7592E-03
Iteration: 15050 Time: 1.505E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6481E-02
Iteration: 15225 Time: 1.523E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6458E-02
Iteration: 15400 Time: 1.540E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3962E-02
Iteration: 15575 Time: 1.558E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6848E-02
Iteration: 15750 Time: 1.575E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.2926E-02
Writing solution file op_00009.bin.
Iteration: 15925 Time: 1.593E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5073E-02
Iteration: 16100 Time: 1.610E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4298E-02
Iteration: 16275 Time: 1.627E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6680E-02
Iteration: 16450 Time: 1.645E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7148E-02
Iteration: 16625 Time: 1.662E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 9.9299E-03
Iteration: 16800 Time: 1.680E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6664E-02
Iteration: 16975 Time: 1.697E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5097E-02
Iteration: 17150 Time: 1.715E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5731E-02
Iteration: 17325 Time: 1.732E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7028E-02
Iteration: 17500 Time: 1.750E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.0333E-02
Writing solution file op_00010.bin.
Iteration: 17675 Time: 1.767E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6269E-02
Iteration: 17850 Time: 1.785E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5066E-02
Iteration: 18025 Time: 1.802E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5868E-02
Iteration: 18200 Time: 1.820E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7577E-02
Iteration: 18375 Time: 1.837E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.0034E-02
Iteration: 18550 Time: 1.855E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5917E-02
Iteration: 18725 Time: 1.872E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6010E-02
Iteration: 18900 Time: 1.890E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5515E-02
Iteration: 19075 Time: 1.907E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6451E-02
Iteration: 19250 Time: 1.925E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.1220E-02
Writing solution file op_00011.bin.
Iteration: 19425 Time: 1.942E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6471E-02
Iteration: 19600 Time: 1.960E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4355E-02
Iteration: 19775 Time: 1.977E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5845E-02
Iteration: 19950 Time: 1.995E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7555E-02
Iteration: 20125 Time: 2.012E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.0791E-02
Iteration: 20300 Time: 2.030E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6078E-02
Iteration: 20475 Time: 2.047E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5319E-02
Iteration: 20650 Time: 2.065E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5574E-02
Iteration: 20825 Time: 2.082E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6758E-02
Iteration: 21000 Time: 2.100E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.0988E-02
Writing solution file op_00012.bin.
Iteration: 21175 Time: 2.117E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6970E-02
Iteration: 21350 Time: 2.135E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3972E-02
Iteration: 21525 Time: 2.152E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5105E-02
Iteration: 21700 Time: 2.170E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.9028E-02
Iteration: 21875 Time: 2.187E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 9.9055E-03
Iteration: 22050 Time: 2.205E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4728E-02
Iteration: 22225 Time: 2.222E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6859E-02
Iteration: 22400 Time: 2.240E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5606E-02
Iteration: 22575 Time: 2.257E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5595E-02
Iteration: 22750 Time: 2.275E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3169E-02
Writing solution file op_00013.bin.
Iteration: 22925 Time: 2.292E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6047E-02
Iteration: 23100 Time: 2.310E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.2560E-02
Iteration: 23275 Time: 2.327E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7214E-02
Iteration: 23450 Time: 2.345E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.8710E-02
Iteration: 23625 Time: 2.362E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 5.8671E-03
Iteration: 23800 Time: 2.380E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6826E-02
Iteration: 23975 Time: 2.397E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6884E-02
Iteration: 24150 Time: 2.415E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3316E-02
Iteration: 24325 Time: 2.432E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7172E-02
Iteration: 24500 Time: 2.450E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3448E-02
Writing solution file op_00014.bin.
Iteration: 24675 Time: 2.467E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4446E-02
Iteration: 24850 Time: 2.485E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4701E-02
Iteration: 25025 Time: 2.502E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7305E-02
Iteration: 25200 Time: 2.520E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6662E-02
Iteration: 25375 Time: 2.537E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 9.4366E-03
Iteration: 25550 Time: 2.555E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7577E-02
Iteration: 25725 Time: 2.572E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5602E-02
Iteration: 25900 Time: 2.590E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3739E-02
Iteration: 26075 Time: 2.607E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7829E-02
Iteration: 26250 Time: 2.625E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.2432E-02
Writing solution file op_00015.bin.
Iteration: 26425 Time: 2.642E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4798E-02
Iteration: 26600 Time: 2.660E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4879E-02
Iteration: 26775 Time: 2.677E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6885E-02
Iteration: 26950 Time: 2.695E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7031E-02
Iteration: 27125 Time: 2.712E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.0321E-02
Iteration: 27300 Time: 2.730E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6848E-02
Iteration: 27475 Time: 2.747E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5210E-02
Iteration: 27650 Time: 2.765E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3971E-02
Iteration: 27825 Time: 2.782E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.8522E-02
Iteration: 28000 Time: 2.800E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.2266E-02
Writing solution file op_00016.bin.
Iteration: 28175 Time: 2.817E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3651E-02
Iteration: 28350 Time: 2.835E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5780E-02
Iteration: 28525 Time: 2.852E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6803E-02
Iteration: 28700 Time: 2.870E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6320E-02
Iteration: 28875 Time: 2.887E+02 Max CFL: 6.949E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.2060E-02
Iteration: 29050 Time: 2.905E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6527E-02
Iteration: 29225 Time: 2.922E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4111E-02
Iteration: 29400 Time: 2.940E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5907E-02
Iteration: 29575 Time: 2.957E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.8009E-02
Iteration: 29750 Time: 2.975E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.0348E-02
Writing solution file op_00017.bin.
Iteration: 29925 Time: 2.992E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5565E-02
Iteration: 30100 Time: 3.010E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6118E-02
Iteration: 30275 Time: 3.027E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5213E-02
Iteration: 30450 Time: 3.045E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7521E-02
Iteration: 30625 Time: 3.062E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.1986E-02
Iteration: 30800 Time: 3.080E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5258E-02
Iteration: 30975 Time: 3.097E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5870E-02
Iteration: 31150 Time: 3.115E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5543E-02
Iteration: 31325 Time: 3.132E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6334E-02
Iteration: 31500 Time: 3.150E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3075E-02
Writing solution file op_00018.bin.
Iteration: 31675 Time: 3.167E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5637E-02
Iteration: 31850 Time: 3.185E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4131E-02
Iteration: 32025 Time: 3.202E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6567E-02
Iteration: 32200 Time: 3.220E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7525E-02
Iteration: 32375 Time: 3.237E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.0717E-02
Iteration: 32550 Time: 3.255E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6631E-02
Iteration: 32725 Time: 3.272E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5547E-02
Iteration: 32900 Time: 3.290E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3972E-02
Iteration: 33075 Time: 3.307E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7803E-02
Iteration: 33250 Time: 3.325E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3616E-02
Writing solution file op_00019.bin.
Iteration: 33425 Time: 3.342E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3996E-02
Iteration: 33600 Time: 3.360E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4980E-02
Iteration: 33775 Time: 3.377E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7190E-02
Iteration: 33950 Time: 3.395E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6651E-02
Iteration: 34125 Time: 3.412E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.1719E-02
Iteration: 34300 Time: 3.430E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6448E-02
Iteration: 34475 Time: 3.447E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4854E-02
Iteration: 34650 Time: 3.465E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5117E-02
Iteration: 34825 Time: 3.482E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7788E-02
Iteration: 35000 Time: 3.500E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.2769E-02
Writing solution file op_00020.bin.
Iteration: 35175 Time: 3.517E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3958E-02
Iteration: 35350 Time: 3.535E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5265E-02
Iteration: 35525 Time: 3.552E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7503E-02
Iteration: 35700 Time: 3.570E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6184E-02
Iteration: 35875 Time: 3.587E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.1186E-02
Iteration: 36050 Time: 3.605E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7206E-02
Iteration: 36225 Time: 3.622E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4369E-02
Iteration: 36400 Time: 3.640E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4612E-02
Iteration: 36575 Time: 3.657E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.8653E-02
Iteration: 36750 Time: 3.675E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.2248E-02
Writing solution file op_00021.bin.
Iteration: 36925 Time: 3.692E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3317E-02
Iteration: 37100 Time: 3.710E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6827E-02
Iteration: 37275 Time: 3.727E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6684E-02
Iteration: 37450 Time: 3.745E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4791E-02
Iteration: 37625 Time: 3.762E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4290E-02
Iteration: 37800 Time: 3.780E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7027E-02
Iteration: 37975 Time: 3.797E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.1983E-02
Iteration: 38150 Time: 3.815E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6322E-02
Iteration: 38325 Time: 3.832E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.8617E-02
Iteration: 38500 Time: 3.850E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.0246E-02
Writing solution file op_00022.bin.
Iteration: 38675 Time: 3.867E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5525E-02
Iteration: 38850 Time: 3.885E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6205E-02
Iteration: 39025 Time: 3.902E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4914E-02
Iteration: 39200 Time: 3.920E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6807E-02
Iteration: 39375 Time: 3.937E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4578E-02
Iteration: 39550 Time: 3.955E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4779E-02
Iteration: 39725 Time: 3.972E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3674E-02
Iteration: 39900 Time: 3.990E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7036E-02
Iteration: 40075 Time: 4.007E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7278E-02
Iteration: 40250 Time: 4.025E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.1550E-02
Writing solution file op_00023.bin.
Iteration: 40425 Time: 4.042E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5776E-02
Iteration: 40600 Time: 4.060E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4878E-02
Iteration: 40775 Time: 4.077E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6189E-02
Iteration: 40950 Time: 4.095E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7268E-02
Iteration: 41125 Time: 4.112E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.2909E-02
Iteration: 41300 Time: 4.130E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5503E-02
Iteration: 41475 Time: 4.147E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4213E-02
Iteration: 41650 Time: 4.165E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6723E-02
Iteration: 41825 Time: 4.182E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7298E-02
Iteration: 42000 Time: 4.200E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.1423E-02
Writing solution file op_00024.bin.
Iteration: 42175 Time: 4.217E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5818E-02
Iteration: 42350 Time: 4.235E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5587E-02
Iteration: 42525 Time: 4.252E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5556E-02
Iteration: 42700 Time: 4.270E+02 Max CFL: 6.948E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7171E-02
Iteration: 42875 Time: 4.287E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3156E-02
Iteration: 43050 Time: 4.305E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5412E-02
Iteration: 43225 Time: 4.322E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4584E-02
Iteration: 43400 Time: 4.340E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6388E-02
Iteration: 43575 Time: 4.357E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6663E-02
Iteration: 43750 Time: 4.375E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.2955E-02
Writing solution file op_00025.bin.
Iteration: 43925 Time: 4.392E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5605E-02
Iteration: 44100 Time: 4.410E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4322E-02
Iteration: 44275 Time: 4.427E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6566E-02
Iteration: 44450 Time: 4.445E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7237E-02
Iteration: 44625 Time: 4.462E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.2485E-02
Iteration: 44800 Time: 4.480E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6452E-02
Iteration: 44975 Time: 4.497E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3879E-02
Iteration: 45150 Time: 4.515E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5236E-02
Iteration: 45325 Time: 4.532E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.8649E-02
Iteration: 45500 Time: 4.550E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.2496E-02
Writing solution file op_00026.bin.
Iteration: 45675 Time: 4.567E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4007E-02
Iteration: 45850 Time: 4.585E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5846E-02
Iteration: 46025 Time: 4.602E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6483E-02
Iteration: 46200 Time: 4.620E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6005E-02
Iteration: 46375 Time: 4.637E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4553E-02
Iteration: 46550 Time: 4.655E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5698E-02
Iteration: 46725 Time: 4.672E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.2402E-02
Iteration: 46900 Time: 4.690E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7250E-02
Iteration: 47075 Time: 4.707E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.8243E-02
Iteration: 47250 Time: 4.725E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 9.5511E-03
Writing solution file op_00027.bin.
Iteration: 47425 Time: 4.742E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6050E-02
Iteration: 47600 Time: 4.760E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6232E-02
Iteration: 47775 Time: 4.777E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4665E-02
Iteration: 47950 Time: 4.795E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7152E-02
Iteration: 48125 Time: 4.812E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4624E-02
Iteration: 48300 Time: 4.830E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4302E-02
Iteration: 48475 Time: 4.847E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4168E-02
Iteration: 48650 Time: 4.865E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7438E-02
Iteration: 48825 Time: 4.882E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6591E-02
Iteration: 49000 Time: 4.900E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.1566E-02
Writing solution file op_00028.bin.
Iteration: 49175 Time: 4.917E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6557E-02
Iteration: 49350 Time: 4.935E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5338E-02
Iteration: 49525 Time: 4.952E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4716E-02
Iteration: 49700 Time: 4.970E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7473E-02
Iteration: 49875 Time: 4.987E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4681E-02
Iteration: 50050 Time: 5.005E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4469E-02
Iteration: 50225 Time: 5.022E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3686E-02
Iteration: 50400 Time: 5.040E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7504E-02
Iteration: 50575 Time: 5.057E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6498E-02
Iteration: 50750 Time: 5.075E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.1879E-02
Writing solution file op_00029.bin.
Iteration: 50925 Time: 5.092E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6791E-02
Iteration: 51100 Time: 5.110E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4422E-02
Iteration: 51275 Time: 5.127E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4392E-02
Iteration: 51450 Time: 5.145E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.8707E-02
Iteration: 51625 Time: 5.162E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4023E-02
Iteration: 51800 Time: 5.180E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.2862E-02
Iteration: 51975 Time: 5.197E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5485E-02
Iteration: 52150 Time: 5.215E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7331E-02
Iteration: 52325 Time: 5.232E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5394E-02
Iteration: 52500 Time: 5.250E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3812E-02
Writing solution file op_00030.bin.
Iteration: 52675 Time: 5.267E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6228E-02
Iteration: 52850 Time: 5.285E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.2828E-02
Iteration: 53025 Time: 5.302E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6730E-02
Iteration: 53200 Time: 5.320E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.8288E-02
Iteration: 53375 Time: 5.337E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.2054E-02
Iteration: 53550 Time: 5.355E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4849E-02
Iteration: 53725 Time: 5.372E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5717E-02
Iteration: 53900 Time: 5.390E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5730E-02
Iteration: 54075 Time: 5.407E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6641E-02
Iteration: 54250 Time: 5.425E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3963E-02
Writing solution file op_00031.bin.
Iteration: 54425 Time: 5.442E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5019E-02
Iteration: 54600 Time: 5.460E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4610E-02
Iteration: 54775 Time: 5.477E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6442E-02
Iteration: 54950 Time: 5.495E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6493E-02
Iteration: 55125 Time: 5.512E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4260E-02
Iteration: 55300 Time: 5.530E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5314E-02
Iteration: 55475 Time: 5.547E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3874E-02
Iteration: 55650 Time: 5.565E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6666E-02
Iteration: 55825 Time: 5.582E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6463E-02
Iteration: 56000 Time: 5.600E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3207E-02
Writing solution file op_00032.bin.
Iteration: 56175 Time: 5.617E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6111E-02
Iteration: 56350 Time: 5.635E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4154E-02
Iteration: 56525 Time: 5.652E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5672E-02
Iteration: 56700 Time: 5.670E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7598E-02
Iteration: 56875 Time: 5.687E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4306E-02
Iteration: 57050 Time: 5.705E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4350E-02
Iteration: 57225 Time: 5.722E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4216E-02
Iteration: 57400 Time: 5.740E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7031E-02
Iteration: 57575 Time: 5.757E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6406E-02
Iteration: 57750 Time: 5.775E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3601E-02
Writing solution file op_00033.bin.
Iteration: 57925 Time: 5.792E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5547E-02
Iteration: 58100 Time: 5.810E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3937E-02
Iteration: 58275 Time: 5.827E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6222E-02
Iteration: 58450 Time: 5.845E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7347E-02
Iteration: 58625 Time: 5.862E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4549E-02
Iteration: 58800 Time: 5.880E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3871E-02
Iteration: 58975 Time: 5.897E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3934E-02
Iteration: 59150 Time: 5.915E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7885E-02
Iteration: 59325 Time: 5.932E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5559E-02
Iteration: 59500 Time: 5.950E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.2770E-02
Writing solution file op_00034.bin.
Iteration: 59675 Time: 5.967E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7028E-02
Iteration: 59850 Time: 5.985E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3287E-02
Iteration: 60025 Time: 6.002E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5412E-02
Iteration: 60200 Time: 6.020E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.8356E-02
Iteration: 60375 Time: 6.037E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3787E-02
Iteration: 60550 Time: 6.055E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3092E-02
Iteration: 60725 Time: 6.072E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5854E-02
Iteration: 60900 Time: 6.090E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7216E-02
Iteration: 61075 Time: 6.107E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3856E-02
Iteration: 61250 Time: 6.125E+02 Max CFL: 6.947E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5407E-02
Writing solution file op_00035.bin.
Iteration: 61425 Time: 6.142E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6788E-02
Iteration: 61600 Time: 6.160E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.0587E-02
Iteration: 61775 Time: 6.177E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7155E-02
Iteration: 61950 Time: 6.195E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.8424E-02
Iteration: 62125 Time: 6.212E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.1888E-02
Iteration: 62300 Time: 6.230E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5293E-02
Iteration: 62475 Time: 6.247E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5155E-02
Iteration: 62650 Time: 6.265E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5343E-02
Iteration: 62825 Time: 6.282E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5913E-02
Iteration: 63000 Time: 6.300E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5850E-02
Writing solution file op_00036.bin.
Iteration: 63175 Time: 6.317E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4914E-02
Iteration: 63350 Time: 6.335E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.1839E-02
Iteration: 63525 Time: 6.352E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7563E-02
Iteration: 63700 Time: 6.370E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7309E-02
Iteration: 63875 Time: 6.387E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.2744E-02
Iteration: 64050 Time: 6.405E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5444E-02
Iteration: 64225 Time: 6.422E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4349E-02
Iteration: 64400 Time: 6.440E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6178E-02
Iteration: 64575 Time: 6.457E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5941E-02
Iteration: 64750 Time: 6.475E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4847E-02
Writing solution file op_00037.bin.
Iteration: 64925 Time: 6.492E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5246E-02
Iteration: 65100 Time: 6.510E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.2186E-02
Iteration: 65275 Time: 6.527E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7972E-02
Iteration: 65450 Time: 6.545E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6938E-02
Iteration: 65625 Time: 6.562E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.2089E-02
Iteration: 65800 Time: 6.580E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5943E-02
Iteration: 65975 Time: 6.597E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4416E-02
Iteration: 66150 Time: 6.615E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5515E-02
Iteration: 66325 Time: 6.632E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6629E-02
Iteration: 66500 Time: 6.650E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4613E-02
Writing solution file op_00038.bin.
Iteration: 66675 Time: 6.667E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4661E-02
Iteration: 66850 Time: 6.685E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3105E-02
Iteration: 67025 Time: 6.702E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7467E-02
Iteration: 67200 Time: 6.720E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6018E-02
Iteration: 67375 Time: 6.737E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4048E-02
Iteration: 67550 Time: 6.755E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5859E-02
Iteration: 67725 Time: 6.772E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.2581E-02
Iteration: 67900 Time: 6.790E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6482E-02
Iteration: 68075 Time: 6.807E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6525E-02
Iteration: 68250 Time: 6.825E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3833E-02
Writing solution file op_00039.bin.
Iteration: 68425 Time: 6.842E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6070E-02
Iteration: 68600 Time: 6.860E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.2545E-02
Iteration: 68775 Time: 6.877E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6129E-02
Iteration: 68950 Time: 6.895E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.7858E-02
Iteration: 69125 Time: 6.912E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.3676E-02
Iteration: 69300 Time: 6.930E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4308E-02
Iteration: 69475 Time: 6.947E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.4283E-02
Iteration: 69650 Time: 6.965E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.6583E-02
Iteration: 69825 Time: 6.982E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5248E-02
Iteration: 70000 Time: 7.000E+02 Max CFL: 6.946E-01 Max Diff. No.: -1.000E+00 Norm: 1.5461E-02
Writing solution file op_00040.bin.
Completed time integration (Final time: 700.000000).
Computed errors:
L1 Error : 0.0000000000000000E+00
L2 Error : 0.0000000000000000E+00
Linfinity Error : 0.0000000000000000E+00
Conservation Errors:
Solver runtime (in seconds): 2.5834895090000000E+03
Total runtime (in seconds): 2.5835117540000001E+03
Deallocating arrays.