HyPar  1.0
Finite-Difference Hyperbolic-Parabolic PDE Solver on Cartesian Grids
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Sparse Grids Examples

The following are some examples are simulated using the sparse grids method. Familiarity with the sparse grids approach (specifically the combination technique approach) is assumed.

2D Linear Advection - Sine Wave
2D Linear Advection - Sine Wave with Spatially-Varying Advection Speed

2D Euler Equations - Density Sine Wave
2D Euler Equations - Isentropic Vortex Convection
2D Euler Equations (with gravitational force) - Rising Thermal Bubble

Any other simulation can also be run with the sparse grids method (as long as the number of spatial dimensions is greater than 1); only the following is needed:

  • Input file sparse_grids.inp that specifies parameters related to the sparse grids method.

As for the output, instead of op*.*, the full grid solution will be written to op_fg*.*, and it will be in the same format/structure as the op*.* files. If specified in the inputs, the sparse grid solution files will also be written to op_sg_<n>*.*.

Note: Sparse grids work well with smooth, linear simulations. Adapting them for hyperbolic simulations with shocks and discontinuities is an area of active research.