HyPar  1.0
Finite-Difference Hyperbolic-Parabolic PDE Solver on Cartesian Grids
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directory  physicalmodels


file  arrayfunctions.h [code]
 Contains macros and function definitions for common array operations.
file  arrayfunctions_gpu.h [code]
 Contains function definitions for common array operations on GPU.
file  bandedmatrix.h [code]
 Data structure and some function declarations for banded block matrices.
file  basic.h [code]
 Some basic definitions and macros.
file  basic_gpu.h [code]
file  boundaryconditions.h [code]
 Containts the structures and definitions for boundary condition implementation.
file  common.h [code]
 Some common functions used here and there.
file  common_cpp.h [code]
 Some common functions used here and there (C++ declarations)
file  ensemble_simulations.h [code]
 Ensemble simulation class.
file  firstderivative.h [code]
 Definitions for the functions computing the first derivative.
file  hypar.h [code]
 Contains structure definition for hypar.
file  immersedboundaries.h [code]
 Structures and function definitions for immersed boundaries.
file  interpolation.h [code]
 Definitions for the functions computing the interpolated value of the primitive at the cell interfaces from the cell-centered values.
file  io.h [code]
 Function declarations for file I/O functions.
file  io_cpp.h [code]
 Function declarations for file I/O functions.
file  librom_interface.h [code]
 libROM interface class
file  limiters.h [code]
 Definitions for limiter functions used in MUSCL-type reconstruction schemes.
file  math_ops.h [code]
 Contains macros for common mathematical functions.
file  mathfunctions.h [code]
 Contains function definitions for common mathematical functions.
file  mathfunctions_cpp.h [code]
 Contains function definitions for common mathematical functions for C++ code.
file  matmult_native.h [code]
 Contains macros and function definitions for common matrix multiplication.
file  matops.h [code]
 Contains macros and function definitions for common matrix operations.
file  mpivars.h [code]
 MPI related function definitions.
file  mpivars_cpp.h [code]
 C++ declarations for MPI-related functions.
file  mpivars_struct.h [code]
 MPI related structure.
file  petscinterface.h [code]
file  petscinterface_struct.h [code]
 Contains structure that defines the interface for time integration with PETSc (https://petsc.org/release/)
file  plotfuncs.h [code]
 Function declarations for plotting functions.
file  plotfuncs_cpp.h [code]
 Function declarations for plotting functions.
file  rom_object.h [code]
 Base class for a libROM object.
file  rom_object_dmd.h [code]
 Dynamic Mode Decomposition ROM object.
file  secondderivative.h [code]
 Definitions for the functions computing the second derivative.
file  simulation.h [code]
 Base class for simulation and declarations for C functions.
file  simulation_library.h [code]
file  simulation_object.h [code]
 Simulation object.
file  single_simulation.h [code]
 Single simulation class.
file  sparse_grids_simulation.h [code]
file  std_vec_ops.h [code]
 Contains some vector ops.
file  timeintegration.h [code]
 Contains function declarations for time integration.
file  timeintegration_cpp.h [code]
 Contains C++ function declarations for time integration.
file  timeintegration_struct.h [code]
 Contains structures for time integration.
file  tridiagLU.h [code]
 Header file for TridiagLU.