HyPar  1.0
Finite-Difference Hyperbolic-Parabolic PDE Solver on Cartesian Grids

Basic Examples : Some basic examples that are simulated using HyPar. They all use explicit time integration, and do not require HyPar to be compiled with any external library. Most of them can be run on one or a small number of processors.

CUDA-enabled Examples : Examples that use NVidia GPUs.

Immersed Boundaries Examples : Examples that use the immersed boundary method to simulate various geometries.

libROM Examples : Examples that use reduced-order modeling capabilities from libROM.

Multidomain Examples : Examples that use the multidomain functionality.

PETSc Examples : Some examples that use implicit or semi-implicit (IMEX) time integration methods implemented in PETSc. To run them, HyPar needs to be compiled with PETSc.

Sparse Grids Examples : Examples that use the sparse grids spatial discretization.