HyPar  1.0
Finite-Difference Hyperbolic-Parabolic PDE Solver on Cartesian Grids
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9 #include <stdio.h>
10 #include <stdlib.h>
11 #include <string.h>
12 #include <basic.h>
13 #include <arrayfunctions.h>
14 #include <mpivars.h>
15 #include <hypar.h>
17 /* Function declarations */
18 static int WriteArraySerial (int,int,int*,int*,int,double*,double*,void*,void*,char*);
19 #ifndef serial
20 static int WriteArrayParallel (int,int,int*,int*,int,double*,double*,void*,void*,char*);
21 #endif
28  int ndims,
29  int nvars,
30  int *dim_global,
31  int *dim_local,
32  int ghosts,
33  double *x,
34  double *u,
35  void *s,
36  void *m,
37  char* fname_root
39  )
40 {
41  HyPar *solver = (HyPar*) s;
42  MPIVariables *mpi = (MPIVariables*)m;
45  /* if WriteOutput() is NULL, then return */
46  if (!solver->WriteOutput) return(0);
48 #ifndef serial
49  if (!strcmp(solver->output_mode,"serial")) {
50 #endif
51  IERR WriteArraySerial(ndims,nvars,dim_global,dim_local,ghosts,x,u,
52  solver,mpi,fname_root); CHECKERR(ierr);
53 #ifndef serial
54  } else {
55  IERR WriteArrayParallel(ndims,nvars,dim_global,dim_local,ghosts,x,u,
56  solver,mpi,fname_root); CHECKERR(ierr);
57  }
58 #endif
60  return(0);
61 }
75  int ndims,
76  int nvars,
77  int *dim_global,
78  int *dim_local,
79  int ghosts,
80  double *x,
81  double *u,
82  void *s,
83  void *m,
84  char* fname_root
86  )
87 {
88  HyPar *solver = (HyPar*) s;
89  MPIVariables *mpi = (MPIVariables*)m;
90  int d;
93  /* root process: allocate global output arrays */
94  double *ug, *xg;
95  if (!mpi->rank) {
96  int size_global;
98  size_global = 1;
99  for (d=0; d<ndims; d++) size_global *= dim_global[d];
100  ug = (double*) calloc (size_global*nvars,sizeof(double));
101  _ArraySetValue_(ug,size_global*nvars,0.0);
103  size_global = 0;
104  for (d=0; d<ndims; d++) size_global += dim_global[d];
105  xg = (double*) calloc (size_global,sizeof(double));
106  _ArraySetValue_(xg,size_global,0.0); CHECKERR(ierr);
108  } else {
110  /* null pointers on non-root processes */
111  ug = xg = NULL;
113  }
115  /* Assemble the local output arrays into the global output arrays */
116  IERR MPIGatherArraynD(ndims,mpi,ug,u,dim_global,dim_local,
117  ghosts,nvars); CHECKERR(ierr);
118  int offset_global, offset_local;
119  offset_global = offset_local = 0;
120  for (d=0; d<ndims; d++) {
121  IERR MPIGatherArray1D(mpi,(mpi->rank?NULL:&xg[offset_global]),
122  &x[offset_local+ghosts],
123  mpi->is[d],mpi->ie[d],dim_local[d],0); CHECKERR(ierr);
124  offset_global += dim_global[d];
125  offset_local += dim_local [d] + 2*ghosts;
126  }
128  if (!mpi->rank) {
129  /* write output file to disk */
130  char filename[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_] = "";
131  strcat(filename,fname_root);
132  if (!strcmp(solver->op_overwrite,"no")) {
133  strcat(filename,"_");
134  strcat(filename,solver->filename_index);
135  }
136  strcat(filename,solver->solnfilename_extn);
137  printf("Writing solution file %s.\n",filename);
138  IERR solver->WriteOutput(ndims,nvars,dim_global,xg,ug,filename,
139  solver->index); CHECKERR(ierr);
141  /* Clean up output arrays */
142  free(xg);
143  free(ug);
144  }
146  return(0);
147 }
193 #ifndef serial
195  int ndims,
196  int nvars,
197  int *dim_global,
198  int *dim_local,
199  int ghosts,
200  double *x,
201  double *u,
202  void *s,
203  void *m,
204  char* fname_root
206  )
207 {
208  HyPar *solver = (HyPar*) s;
209  MPIVariables *mpi = (MPIVariables*) m;
210  int proc,d;
213  static int count = 0;
215  char filename_root[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_];
216  strcpy(filename_root,fname_root);
217  strcat(filename_root,solver->solnfilename_extn);
218  if (!mpi->rank) printf("Writing solution file %s.xxxx (parallel mode).\n",filename_root);
220  /* calculate size of the local grid on this rank */
221  int sizex = 0; for (d=0; d<ndims; d++) sizex += dim_local[d];
222  int sizeu = nvars; for (d=0; d<ndims; d++) sizeu *= dim_local[d];
224  /* allocate buffer arrays to write grid and solution */
225  double *buffer = (double*) calloc (sizex+sizeu, sizeof(double));
227  /* copy the grid to buffer */
228  int offset1 = 0, offset2 = 0;
229  for (d = 0; d < ndims; d++) {
230  _ArrayCopy1D_((x+offset1+ghosts),(buffer+offset2),dim_local[d]);
231  offset1 += (dim_local[d]+2*ghosts);
232  offset2 += dim_local[d];
233  }
235  /* copy the solution */
236  int index[ndims];
237  IERR ArrayCopynD(ndims,u,(buffer+sizex),dim_local,ghosts,0,index,nvars); CHECKERR(ierr);
239  if (mpi->IOParticipant) {
241  /* if this rank is responsible for file I/O */
242  double *write_buffer = NULL;
243  int write_size_x, write_size_u, write_total_size;
244  int is[ndims], ie[ndims];
246  /* open the file */
247  FILE *out;
248  int bytes;
249  char filename[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_];
250  MPIGetFilename(filename_root,&mpi->IOWorld,filename);
252  if (!strcmp(solver->op_overwrite,"no")) {
253  if ((!count) && (!solver->restart_iter)) {
254  /* open a new file, since this function is being called the first time
255  and this is not a restart run*/
256  out = fopen(filename,"wb");
257  if (!out) {
258  fprintf(stderr,"Error in WriteArrayParallel(): File %s could not be opened for writing.\n",filename);
259  return(1);
260  }
261  } else {
262  /* append to existing file */
263  out = fopen(filename,"ab");
264  if (!out) {
265  fprintf(stderr,"Error in WriteArrayParallel(): File %s could not be opened for appending.\n",filename);
266  return(1);
267  }
268  }
269  } else {
270  /* write a new file / overwrite existing file */
271  out = fopen(filename,"wb");
272  if (!out) {
273  fprintf(stderr,"Error in WriteArrayParallel(): File %s could not be opened for writing.\n",filename);
274  return(1);
275  }
276  }
277  count++;
279  /* Write own data and free buffer */
280  bytes = fwrite(buffer,sizeof(double),(sizex+sizeu),out);
281  if (bytes != (sizex+sizeu)) {
282  fprintf(stderr,"Error in WriteArrayParallel(): Failed to write data to file %s.\n",filename);
283  return(1);
284  }
285  free(buffer);
287  /* receive and write the data for the other processors in this IO rank's group */
288  for (proc=mpi->GroupStartRank+1; proc<mpi->GroupEndRank; proc++) {
289  /* get the local domain limits for process proc */
290  IERR MPILocalDomainLimits(ndims,proc,mpi,dim_global,is,ie);
291  /* calculate the size of its local data and allocate write buffer */
292  write_size_x = 0; for (d=0; d<ndims; d++) write_size_x += (ie[d]-is[d]);
293  write_size_u = nvars; for (d=0; d<ndims; d++) write_size_u *= (ie[d]-is[d]);
294  write_total_size = write_size_x + write_size_u;
295  write_buffer = (double*) calloc (write_total_size, sizeof(double));
296  /* receive the data */
297  MPI_Request req = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
298  MPI_Irecv(write_buffer,write_total_size,MPI_DOUBLE,proc,1449,mpi->world,&req);
299  MPI_Wait(&req,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
300  /* write the data */
301  bytes = fwrite(write_buffer,sizeof(double),write_total_size,out);
302  if (bytes != write_total_size) {
303  fprintf(stderr,"Error in WriteArrayParallel(): Failed to write data to file %s.\n",filename);
304  return(1);
305  }
306  free(write_buffer);
307  }
309  /* close the file */
310  fclose(out);
312  } else {
314  /* all other processes, just send the data to the rank responsible for file I/O */
315  MPI_Request req = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
316  MPI_Isend(buffer,(sizex+sizeu),MPI_DOUBLE,mpi->IORank,1449,mpi->world,&req);
317  MPI_Wait(&req,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
318  free(buffer);
320  }
322  return(0);
323 }
324 #endif
#define IERR
Definition: basic.h:16
MPI related function definitions.
char * filename_index
Definition: hypar.h:197
#define CHECKERR(ierr)
Definition: basic.h:18
Some basic definitions and macros.
char output_mode[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_]
Definition: hypar.h:183
int restart_iter
Definition: hypar.h:58
int MPIGatherArraynD(int, void *, double *, double *, int *, int *, int, int)
Structure containing all solver-specific variables and functions.
Definition: hypar.h:23
Definition: basic.h:14
int MPIGatherArray1D(void *, double *, double *, int, int, int, int)
void MPIGetFilename(char *, void *, char *)
Contains structure definition for hypar.
char op_overwrite[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_]
Definition: hypar.h:191
MPI_Comm world
int * index
Definition: hypar.h:102
INLINE int ArrayCopynD(int, const double *, double *, int *, int, int, int *, int)
char solnfilename_extn[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_]
Definition: hypar.h:201
MPI_Comm IOWorld
#define _ArraySetValue_(x, size, value)
int MPILocalDomainLimits(int, int, void *, int *, int *, int *)
int(* WriteOutput)(int, int, int *, double *, double *, char *, int *)
Definition: hypar.h:211
Structure of MPI-related variables.
#define _DECLARE_IERR_
Definition: basic.h:17
#define _ArrayCopy1D_(x, y, size)
Contains macros and function definitions for common array operations.
static int WriteArrayParallel(int, int, int *, int *, int, double *, double *, void *, void *, char *)
Definition: WriteArray.c:194
int WriteArray(int ndims, int nvars, int *dim_global, int *dim_local, int ghosts, double *x, double *u, void *s, void *m, char *fname_root)
Definition: WriteArray.c:27
static int WriteArraySerial(int, int, int *, int *, int, double *, double *, void *, void *, char *)
Definition: WriteArray.c:74