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ShallowWater1DSource.c File Reference

Contains the functions to compute the source terms for the 1D shallow water equations. More...

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <basic.h>
#include <arrayfunctions.h>
#include <physicalmodels/shallowwater1d.h>
#include <mpivars.h>
#include <hypar.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


static int ShallowWater1DSourceFunction1 (double *, double *, double *, void *, void *, double)
static int ShallowWater1DSourceFunction2 (double *, double *, double *, void *, void *, double)
int ShallowWater1DSource (double *source, double *u, void *s, void *m, double t)

Detailed Description

Contains the functions to compute the source terms for the 1D shallow water equations.

Debojyoti Ghosh

Definition in file ShallowWater1DSource.c.

Function Documentation

int ShallowWater1DSourceFunction1 ( double *  f,
double *  u,
double *  x,
void *  s,
void *  m,
double  t 

Compute the first source function that is then "discretized" in a way similar to the hyperbolic flux function for the balanced formulation introduced in the reference below. The source term is reformulated and "discretized" in a similar fashion as the hyperbolic flux to ensure that the hydrostatic balance is maintained to machine precision.

  • Xing, Y., Shu, C.-W., "High order finite difference WENO schemes with the exact conservation property for the shallow water equations", Journal of Computational Physics, 208, 2005, pp. 206-227. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2005.02.006
fComputed source function (array size and layout same as u)
uSolution (conserved variables)
xSpatial coordinates
sSolver object of type HyPar
mMPI object of type MPIVariables
tCurrent solution time

Definition at line 111 of file ShallowWater1DSource.c.

119 {
120  HyPar *solver = (HyPar* ) s;
121  ShallowWater1D *param = (ShallowWater1D*) solver->physics;
123  int ghosts = solver->ghosts;
124  int *dim = solver->dim_local;
125  int ndims = solver->ndims;
126  int index[ndims], bounds[ndims], offset[ndims];
128  /* set bounds for array index to include ghost points */
129  _ArrayCopy1D_(dim,bounds,ndims);
130  int i; for (i=0; i<ndims; i++) bounds[i] += 2*ghosts;
132  /* set offset such that index is compatible with ghost point arrangement */
133  _ArraySetValue_(offset,ndims,-ghosts);
135  int done = 0; _ArraySetValue_(index,ndims,0);
136  while (!done) {
137  int p; _ArrayIndex1DWO_(ndims,dim,index,offset,ghosts,p);
138  (f+_MODEL_NVARS_*p)[0] = 0.0;
139  (f+_MODEL_NVARS_*p)[1] = 0.5 * param->g * param->b[p] * param->b[p];
140  _ArrayIncrementIndex_(ndims,bounds,index,done);
141  }
143  return(0);
144 }
#define _ArraySetValue_(x, size, value)
Structure containing variables and parameters specific to the 1D Shallow Water equations. This structure contains the physical parameters, variables, and function pointers specific to the 1D ShallowWater equations.
#define _ArrayIncrementIndex_(N, imax, i, done)
#define _MODEL_NVARS_
Definition: euler1d.h:58
void * physics
Definition: hypar.h:266
int * dim_local
Definition: hypar.h:37
int ghosts
Definition: hypar.h:52
#define _ArrayIndex1DWO_(N, imax, i, offset, ghost, index)
#define _ArrayCopy1D_(x, y, size)
int ndims
Definition: hypar.h:26
Structure containing all solver-specific variables and functions.
Definition: hypar.h:23
int ShallowWater1DSourceFunction2 ( double *  f,
double *  u,
double *  x,
void *  s,
void *  m,
double  t 

Compute the second source function that is then "discretized" in a way similar to the hyperbolic flux function for the balanced formulation introduced in the reference below. The source term is reformulated and "discretized" in a similar fashion as the hyperbolic flux to ensure that the hydrostatic balance is maintained to machine precision.

  • Xing, Y., Shu, C.-W., "High order finite difference WENO schemes with the exact conservation property for the shallow water equations", Journal of Computational Physics, 208, 2005, pp. 206-227. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2005.02.006
fComputed source function (array size and layout same as u)
uSolution (conserved variables)
xSpatial coordinates
sSolver object of type HyPar
mMPI object of type MPIVariables
tCurrent solution time

Definition at line 155 of file ShallowWater1DSource.c.

163 {
164  HyPar *solver = (HyPar* ) s;
165  ShallowWater1D *param = (ShallowWater1D*) solver->physics;
167  int ghosts = solver->ghosts;
168  int *dim = solver->dim_local;
169  int ndims = solver->ndims;
170  int index[ndims], bounds[ndims], offset[ndims];
172  /* set bounds for array index to include ghost points */
173  _ArrayCopy1D_(dim,bounds,ndims);
174  int i; for (i=0; i<ndims; i++) bounds[i] += 2*ghosts;
176  /* set offset such that index is compatible with ghost point arrangement */
177  _ArraySetValue_(offset,ndims,-ghosts);
179  int done = 0; _ArraySetValue_(index,ndims,0);
180  while (!done) {
181  int p; _ArrayIndex1DWO_(ndims,dim,index,offset,ghosts,p);
182  (f+_MODEL_NVARS_*p)[0] = 0.0;
183  (f+_MODEL_NVARS_*p)[1] = param->b[p];
184  _ArrayIncrementIndex_(ndims,bounds,index,done);
185  }
187  return(0);
188 }
#define _ArraySetValue_(x, size, value)
Structure containing variables and parameters specific to the 1D Shallow Water equations. This structure contains the physical parameters, variables, and function pointers specific to the 1D ShallowWater equations.
#define _ArrayIncrementIndex_(N, imax, i, done)
#define _MODEL_NVARS_
Definition: euler1d.h:58
void * physics
Definition: hypar.h:266
int * dim_local
Definition: hypar.h:37
int ghosts
Definition: hypar.h:52
#define _ArrayIndex1DWO_(N, imax, i, offset, ghost, index)
#define _ArrayCopy1D_(x, y, size)
int ndims
Definition: hypar.h:26
Structure containing all solver-specific variables and functions.
Definition: hypar.h:23
int ShallowWater1DSource ( double *  source,
double *  u,
void *  s,
void *  m,
double  t 

Compute the source terms for the 1D shallow water equations. The source term is computed according to the balanced formulation introduced in the reference below. The source term is reformulated and "discretized" in a similar fashion as the hyperbolic flux to ensure that the hydrostatic balance is maintained to machine precision.

  • Xing, Y., Shu, C.-W., "High order finite difference WENO schemes with the exact conservation property for the shallow water equations", Journal of Computational Physics, 208, 2005, pp. 206-227. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2005.02.006
sourceComputed source terms (array size & layout same as u)
uSolution (conserved variables)
sSolver object of type HyPar
mMPI object of type MPIVariables
tCurrent solution time

Definition at line 25 of file ShallowWater1DSource.c.

32 {
33  HyPar *solver = (HyPar* ) s;
34  MPIVariables *mpi = (MPIVariables*) m;
35  ShallowWater1D *param = (ShallowWater1D*) solver->physics;
37  int v, done, p, p1, p2;
38  double *SourceI = solver->fluxI; /* interace source term */
39  double *SourceC = solver->fluxC; /* cell-centered source term */
40  double *SourceL = solver->fL;
41  double *SourceR = solver->fR;
43  int ndims = solver->ndims;
44  int ghosts = solver->ghosts;
45  int *dim = solver->dim_local;
46  double *x = solver->x;
47  double *dxinv = solver->dxinv;
48  int index[ndims],index1[ndims],index2[ndims],dim_interface[ndims];
50  /* set interface dimensions */
51  _ArrayCopy1D_(dim,dim_interface,ndims); dim_interface[_XDIR_]++;
53  /* calculate the first source function */
54  IERR ShallowWater1DSourceFunction1(SourceC,u,x,solver,mpi,t); CHECKERR(ierr);
55  /* calculate the left and right interface source terms */
56  IERR solver->InterpolateInterfacesHyp(SourceL,SourceC,u,x, 1,_XDIR_,solver,mpi,0); CHECKERR(ierr);
57  IERR solver->InterpolateInterfacesHyp(SourceR,SourceC,u,x,-1,_XDIR_,solver,mpi,0); CHECKERR(ierr);
58  /* calculate the final interface source term */
59  IERR param->SourceUpwind(SourceI,SourceL,SourceR,u,_XDIR_,solver,t);
60  /* calculate the final cell-centered source term */
61  done = 0; _ArraySetValue_(index,ndims,0);
62  while (!done) {
63  _ArrayCopy1D_(index,index1,ndims);
64  _ArrayCopy1D_(index,index2,ndims); index2[_XDIR_]++;
65  _ArrayIndex1D_(ndims,dim ,index ,ghosts,p );
66  _ArrayIndex1D_(ndims,dim_interface,index1,0 ,p1);
67  _ArrayIndex1D_(ndims,dim_interface,index2,0 ,p2);
68  double dx_inverse; _GetCoordinate_(_XDIR_,index[_XDIR_],dim,ghosts,dxinv,dx_inverse);
69  for (v=0; v<_MODEL_NVARS_; v++)
70  source[_MODEL_NVARS_*p+v] += (SourceI[_MODEL_NVARS_*p2+v]-SourceI[_MODEL_NVARS_*p1+v])*dx_inverse;
71  _ArrayIncrementIndex_(ndims,dim,index,done);
72  }
74  /* calculate the second source function */
75  IERR ShallowWater1DSourceFunction2(SourceC,u,x,solver,mpi,t); CHECKERR(ierr);
76  /* calculate the left and right interface source terms */
77  IERR solver->InterpolateInterfacesHyp(SourceL,SourceC,u,x, 1,_XDIR_,solver,mpi,0); CHECKERR(ierr);
78  IERR solver->InterpolateInterfacesHyp(SourceR,SourceC,u,x,-1,_XDIR_,solver,mpi,0); CHECKERR(ierr);
79  /* calculate the final interface source term */
80  IERR param->SourceUpwind(SourceI,SourceL,SourceR,u,_XDIR_,solver,t);
81  /* calculate the final cell-centered source term */
82  done = 0; _ArraySetValue_(index,ndims,0);
83  while (!done) {
84  _ArrayCopy1D_(index,index1,ndims);
85  _ArrayCopy1D_(index,index2,ndims); index2[_XDIR_]++;
86  _ArrayIndex1D_(ndims,dim ,index ,ghosts,p );
87  _ArrayIndex1D_(ndims,dim_interface,index1,0 ,p1);
88  _ArrayIndex1D_(ndims,dim_interface,index2,0 ,p2);
89  double dx_inverse; _GetCoordinate_(_XDIR_,index[_XDIR_],dim,ghosts,dxinv,dx_inverse);
90  double h, vel; _ShallowWater1DGetFlowVar_((u+_MODEL_NVARS_*p),h,vel);
91  double term[_MODEL_NVARS_] = { 0.0, -param->g * (h + param->b[p]) };
92  for (v=0; v<_MODEL_NVARS_; v++) {
93  source[_MODEL_NVARS_*p+v] += term[v]*(SourceI[_MODEL_NVARS_*p2+v]-SourceI[_MODEL_NVARS_*p1+v])*dx_inverse;
94  }
95  vel = h; /* useless statement to avoid compiler warning */
96  _ArrayIncrementIndex_(ndims,dim,index,done);
97  }
99  return(0);
100 }
#define _ArraySetValue_(x, size, value)
Structure containing variables and parameters specific to the 1D Shallow Water equations. This structure contains the physical parameters, variables, and function pointers specific to the 1D ShallowWater equations.
#define _ArrayIncrementIndex_(N, imax, i, done)
#define _MODEL_NVARS_
Definition: euler1d.h:58
static int ShallowWater1DSourceFunction2(double *, double *, double *, void *, void *, double)
double * fL
Definition: hypar.h:139
void * physics
Definition: hypar.h:266
int * dim_local
Definition: hypar.h:37
#define _GetCoordinate_(dir, i, dim, ghosts, x, coord)
Definition: basic.h:31
int ghosts
Definition: hypar.h:52
#define _ArrayIndex1D_(N, imax, i, ghost, index)
static int ShallowWater1DSourceFunction1(double *, double *, double *, void *, void *, double)
double * fluxI
Definition: hypar.h:136
#define _ArrayCopy1D_(x, y, size)
double * fluxC
Definition: hypar.h:128
int(* InterpolateInterfacesHyp)(double *, double *, double *, double *, int, int, void *, void *, int)
Definition: hypar.h:224
#define CHECKERR(ierr)
Definition: basic.h:18
double * dxinv
Definition: hypar.h:110
int ndims
Definition: hypar.h:26
#define IERR
Definition: basic.h:16
Structure of MPI-related variables.
double * x
Definition: hypar.h:107
int(* SourceUpwind)(double *, double *, double *, double *, int, void *, double)
Structure containing all solver-specific variables and functions.
Definition: hypar.h:23
#define _XDIR_
Definition: euler1d.h:75
double * fR
Definition: hypar.h:139
#define _ShallowWater1DGetFlowVar_(u, h, v)