HyPar  1.0
Finite-Difference Hyperbolic-Parabolic PDE Solver on Cartesian Grids
SparseGridsSimulation Class Reference

Class describing sparse grids simulations. More...

#include <sparse_grids_simulation.h>

Inheritance diagram for SparseGridsSimulation:

Public Member Functions

 SparseGridsSimulation ()
 ~SparseGridsSimulation ()
int define (int, int)
int ReadInputs ()
int Initialize ()
int InitialSolution ()
int InitializeBoundaries ()
int InitializeImmersedBoundaries ()
int InitializePhysics ()
int InitializePhysicsData ()
int InitializeSolvers ()
int InitializationWrapup ()
int Solve ()
void WriteErrors (double, double)
bool isDefined () const
int mpiCommDup ()
void usePetscTS (PetscBool a_flag)
int SolvePETSc ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Simulation
 Simulation ()
virtual ~Simulation ()

Protected Member Functions

int SanityChecks ()
int ComputeSGDimsAndCoeffs ()
int ComputeProcessorDistribution (ProcDistribution &, const GridDimensions &)
void GetCTGridSizes (const int, std::vector< GridDimensions > &)
int InitializeBarebones (SimulationObject *)
int InitializeSolversBarebones (SimulationObject *)
int CleanupBarebones (SimulationObject *)
int SetSolverParameters (SimulationObject &, const GridDimensions &, const ProcDistribution &, const SimulationObject &, const int, const int)
void OutputSolution ()
void CombinationTechnique (SimulationObject *const)
void interpolate (SimulationObject *const, const SimulationObject *const)
void interpolate (const GridDimensions &, double **const, const SimulationObject *const)
void interpolateGrid (SimulationObject *const, const SimulationObject *const)
void coarsenGrid1D (const GridDimensions &, const GridDimensions &, const double *const, double *const, int)
void refineGrid1D (const GridDimensions &, const GridDimensions &, const double *const, double *const, int)
void fillGhostCells (const GridDimensions &, const int, double *const, const int)
void CalculateError ()
void computeError (SimulationObject &, double *const)
bool isPowerOfTwo (int x)
double cfunc (int a, int b)
int factorial (int a)
void allocateGridArrays (const GridDimensions &a_dim, double **const a_x, const int a_ngpt=0)
void allocateDataArrays (const GridDimensions &a_dim, const int a_nvars, double **const a_u, const int a_ngpt=0)

Protected Attributes

bool m_is_defined
int m_nsims_sg
int m_ndims
int m_rank
int m_nproc
int m_interp_order
std::vector< bool > m_is_periodic
int m_write_sg_solutions
int m_print_sg_errors
std::vector< SimulationObjectm_sims_sg
int m_n_fg
int m_imin
std::vector< SGCTElemm_combination
std::vector< ProcDistributionm_iprocs

Detailed Description

Class describing sparse grids simulations.

Class describing sparse grids simulations This class contains all data and functions needed to run a sparse grids simulation.

This class contains all data and functions needed to run sparse grids simulations.

Definition at line 38 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SparseGridsSimulation()


Definition at line 43 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

44  {
45  m_is_defined = false;
47  m_nsims_sg = -1;
48  m_ndims = -1;
49  m_rank = -1;
50  m_nproc = -1;
52  m_sim_fg = NULL;
53  m_sims_sg.clear();
55  m_n_fg = -1;
56  m_imin = -1;
58  m_interp_order = 6;
60  m_is_periodic.clear();
61  m_combination.clear();
62  }
std::vector< SimulationObject > m_sims_sg
std::vector< SGCTElem > m_combination
std::vector< bool > m_is_periodic

◆ ~SparseGridsSimulation()

~SparseGridsSimulation ( )


Definition at line 65 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

66  {
67  int err;
68  /* clean up full grid object */
70  delete m_sim_fg;
71  /* clean up and delete sparse grids objects */
72  err = Cleanup((void*) m_sims_sg.data(), m_nsims_sg);
73  if (err) {
74  printf( "Error: CleanUp() returned with status %d on process %d.\n",
75  err, m_rank );
76  }
77  m_sims_sg.clear();
78  /* done */
79  return;
80  }
int CleanupBarebones(SimulationObject *)
std::vector< SimulationObject > m_sims_sg
int Cleanup(void *, int)
Definition: Cleanup.c:39

Member Function Documentation

◆ define()

int define ( int  a_rank,
int  a_nproc 

Define this object

Define the sparse grids simulation object - here, only the full grid simulation object SparseGridsSimulation::m_sim_fg is created.

This function also reads sparse grids inputs from the file sparse_grids.inp. Rank 0 reads in the inputs and broadcasts them to all the processors.

The format of sparse_grids.inp is as follows:

    <keyword>   <value>
    <keyword>   <value>
    <keyword>   <value>

where the list of keywords and their type are:

Keyword name Type Variable Default value --—
log2_imin int SparseGridsSimulation::m_imin 2
interp_order int SparseGridsSimulation::m_interp_order 6
write_sg_solution char[] SparseGridsSimulation::m_write_sg_solutions "no" (0)
write_sg_errors char[] SparseGridsSimulation::m_print_sg_errors "no" (0)
a_rankMPI rank of this process
a_nprocTotal number of MPI ranks

Implements Simulation.

Definition at line 33 of file SparseGridsDefine.cpp.

36 {
37  m_rank = a_rank;
38  m_nproc = a_nproc;
40  if (m_sim_fg != NULL) {
41  fprintf(stderr, "Error in SparseGridsSimulation::define() -\n");
42  fprintf(stderr, " m_sim_fg not NULL!\n");
43  exit(1);
44  }
46  /* default values */
47  m_imin = 2;
50  m_interp_order = 6;
52  if (!m_rank) {
54  FILE *in;
55  in = fopen(_SPARSEGRIDS_SIM_INP_FNAME_,"r");
57  if (!in) {
59  fprintf(stderr, "Error in SparseGridsSimulation::Define() -\n");
60  fprintf(stderr, " %s file not found.\n", _SPARSEGRIDS_SIM_INP_FNAME_);
61  exit(1);
63  } else {
65  int ferr;
66  char word[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_];
67  ferr = fscanf(in,"%s", word); if (ferr != 1) return(1);
69  if (std::string(word) == "begin") {
71  while (std::string(word) != "end") {
73  ferr = fscanf(in,"%s",word); if (ferr != 1) return(1);
75  if (std::string(word) == "log2_imin") {
77  ferr = fscanf(in,"%d",&m_imin); if (ferr != 1) return(1);
79  } else if (std::string(word) == "interp_order") {
81  ferr = fscanf(in,"%d",&m_interp_order); if (ferr != 1) return(1);
83  } else if (std::string(word) == "write_sg_solutions") {
85  char answer[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_];
86  ferr = fscanf(in,"%s",answer); if (ferr != 1) return(1);
87  m_write_sg_solutions = (strcmp(answer,"yes") ? 0 : 1);
89  } else if (std::string(word) == "write_sg_errors") {
91  char answer[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_];
92  ferr = fscanf(in,"%s",answer); if (ferr != 1) return(1);
93  m_print_sg_errors = (strcmp(answer,"yes") ? 0 : 1);
95  } else if (std::string(word) != "end") {
97  char useless[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_];
98  ferr = fscanf(in,"%s",useless);
99  printf("Warning: keyword %s in file \"%s\" with value %s not recognized or extraneous. Ignoring.\n",
100  _SPARSEGRIDS_SIM_INP_FNAME_, word, useless );
102  }
104  if (ferr != 1) return(1);
105  }
107  } else {
108  fprintf( stderr, "Error: Illegal format in file \"%s\". Word read is: %s\n",
110  return 1;
111  }
113  fclose(in);
115  }
117  /* print useful stuff to screen */
118  printf("Sparse grids inputs:\n");
119  printf(" log2 of minimum grid size: %d\n", m_imin);
120  printf(" interpolation order: %d\n", m_interp_order);
121  printf( " write sparse grids solutions? %s\n",
122  ( m_write_sg_solutions == 1 ? "yes" : "no" ) );
123  }
125 #ifndef serial
126  MPI_Bcast(&m_imin,1,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
127  MPI_Bcast(&m_interp_order,1,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
128  MPI_Bcast(&m_write_sg_solutions,1,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
129  MPI_Bcast(&m_print_sg_errors,1,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
130 #endif
133  /* the following are deliberately set to junk values
134  * to ensure they are never used */
135  m_sim_fg->solver.my_idx = -1;
136  m_sim_fg->solver.nsims = -1;
137  /* these are okay */
138  m_sim_fg->mpi.rank = m_rank;
141  if (!m_rank) {
142  printf("Allocated full grid simulation object(s).\n");
143  }
145  m_is_defined = true;
146  return 0;
147 }
Definition: basic.h:14
Structure defining a simulation.
int my_idx
Definition: hypar.h:61
int nsims
Definition: hypar.h:64

◆ ReadInputs()

int ReadInputs ( )

Read solver inputs for the full grid simulation object

Implements Simulation.

Definition at line 86 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

87  {
88  int retval = ::ReadInputs( (void*) m_sim_fg,
89  1,
90  m_rank );
91  return retval;
92  }

◆ Initialize()

int Initialize ( )

Initialize the simulation

Initialize all the stuff required for a sparse grids simulation. Before this function is called, the solver inputs for the full grid object has already been read, and therefore, the global dimensions and processor decompositions are available. This function does the following:

Implements Simulation.

Definition at line 15 of file SparseGridsInitialize.cpp.

16 {
17  int ierr;
19  /* find out the number of spatial dimensions */
22  /* make sure full grid simulation object is allocated */
23  if (m_sim_fg == NULL) {
24  fprintf(stderr, "Error in SparseGridsSimulation::Initialize()\n");
25  fprintf(stderr, " m_sim_fg is NULL on rank %d!\n", m_rank);
26  return 1;
27  }
29  /* set full grid processor distribution based on grid size and
30  * number of MPI ranks */
31  GridDimensions dim_fg(m_ndims);
32  for (int d=0; d<m_ndims; d++) dim_fg[d] = m_sim_fg->solver.dim_global[d];
33  ProcDistribution iproc_fg;
34  ComputeProcessorDistribution(iproc_fg, dim_fg);
35  for (int d=0; d<m_ndims; d++) m_sim_fg->mpi.iproc[d] = iproc_fg[d];
37  m_ndims,
38  0,
39  &(m_sim_fg->mpi.world)); CHECKERR(ierr);
41  ::WriteInputs( (void*) m_sim_fg, 1, m_rank);
42  if (!m_rank) {
43  printf("Processor distribution for full grid object: ");
44  for (int d=0; d<m_ndims; d++) printf(" %3d", iproc_fg[d]);
45  printf("\n");
46  }
48  if (!m_rank) printf("Initializing sparse grids...\n");
49  if (!m_rank) printf(" Number of spatial dimensions: %d\n", m_ndims);
51  /* some sanity checks */
52  ierr = SanityChecks();
53  if (ierr) return ierr;
55  /* compute the sizes of grids that go into the combination technique */
56  if (!m_rank) {
57  printf(" Computing sparse grids dimensions...\n");
58  }
59  ierr = ComputeSGDimsAndCoeffs();
60  if (ierr) return ierr;
61  m_nsims_sg = m_combination.size();
62  if (!m_rank) {
63  printf( " Number of sparse grid domains in combination technique: %d\n",
64  m_nsims_sg );
65  }
66  if (m_nsims_sg == 0) {
67  fprintf(stderr, "Error in SparseGridsSimulation::Initialize()\n");
68  fprintf(stderr, " ComputeSGDimsAndCoeffs() returned empty vector!\n");
69  return 1;
70  }
72  /* compute processor distributions for the sparse grids */
73  if (!m_rank) {
74  printf(" Computing processor decompositions...\n");
75  }
76  m_iprocs.resize(m_nsims_sg);
77  for (int i = 0; i < m_nsims_sg; i++) {
79  m_combination[i]._dim_ );
81  if (ierr) return ierr;
82  }
84  /* Print some stuff to screen */
85  if (!m_rank) {
86  printf("Sparse Grids: Combination technique grids sizes and coefficients are:-\n");
87  for (int i = 0; i < m_nsims_sg; i++) {
88  printf(" %3d: dim = (", i);
89  for (int d=0; d<m_ndims; d++) printf(" %4d ", m_combination[i]._dim_[d]);
90  printf("), coeff = %+1.2e, ", m_combination[i]._coeff_);
91  printf("iproc = (");
92  for (int d=0; d<m_ndims; d++) printf(" %4d ", m_iprocs[i][d]);
93  printf(")\n");
94  }
95  }
97  /* allocate full grid data structures (only what is needed) */
99  if (ierr) return ierr;
101  /* create sparse grids simulation objects */
102  m_sims_sg.resize(m_nsims_sg);
103  /* set the solver parameters for the sparse grids sim objects */
104  for (int i = 0; i < m_nsims_sg; i++) {
105 #ifndef serial
106  MPI_Comm_dup(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &(m_sims_sg[i].mpi.world));
107 #endif
108  ierr = SetSolverParameters( m_sims_sg[i],
109  m_combination[i]._dim_,
110  m_iprocs[i],
111  *m_sim_fg,
112  i,
113  m_nsims_sg );
114  if (ierr) return ierr;
115  }
117  /* allocate their data structures (everything) */
118  ierr = ::Initialize( (void*) m_sims_sg.data(), m_nsims_sg);
119  if (ierr) return ierr;
121  /* compute and report total NDOFs for sparse grids */
122  long ndof_sg = 0;
123  for (int i = 0; i < m_nsims_sg; i++) {
124  ndof_sg += m_sims_sg[i].solver.npoints_global;
125  }
126  long ndof_fg = m_sim_fg->solver.npoints_global;
127  if (!m_rank) {
128  printf("Total number of DOFs:-\n");
129  printf(" using sparse grids: %d\n", (int)ndof_sg);
130  printf(" using conventional grid: %d\n", (int)ndof_fg);
131  }
133  /* done */
134  return 0;
135 }
#define CHECKERR(ierr)
Definition: basic.h:18
std::vector< int > ProcDistribution
MPI_Comm world
int InitializeBarebones(SimulationObject *)
std::vector< SimulationObject > m_sims_sg
int SetSolverParameters(SimulationObject &, const GridDimensions &, const ProcDistribution &, const SimulationObject &, const int, const int)
int * dim_global
Definition: hypar.h:33
std::vector< SGCTElem > m_combination
std::vector< ProcDistribution > m_iprocs
#define _coeff_
int WriteInputs(void *, int, int)
Definition: WriteInputs.c:15
int ndims
Definition: hypar.h:26
int npoints_global
Definition: hypar.h:40
int MPIBroadcast_integer(int *, int, int, void *)
Definition: MPIBroadcast.c:23
#define _dim_
std::vector< int > GridDimensions
int ComputeProcessorDistribution(ProcDistribution &, const GridDimensions &)

◆ InitialSolution()

int InitialSolution ( )

Read initial solution

Reads in the initial solution for the full grid, saves it in the full grid object. Then interpolates (coarsens) the grid coordinates to all the sparge grids. The solution is not yet interpolated because boundary information is not yet available. It is done in SparseGridsSimulation::InitializationWrapup().

Implements Simulation.

Definition at line 17 of file SparseGridsInitialSolution.cpp.

18 {
19  int ierr;
21  /* first, read in the full grid initial solution */
22  int retval = ::InitialSolution( (void*) m_sim_fg, 1 );
23  if (retval) return retval;
25  /* now, interpolate to all the sparse grids */
26  for (int n = 0; n < m_nsims_sg; n++) {
28  if (!m_rank) {
29  printf("Interpolating grid coordinates to sparse grids domain %d.\n", n);
30  }
33  HyPar* solver = &(m_sims_sg[n].solver);
34  MPIVariables* mpi = &(m_sims_sg[n].mpi);
36  int nvars = solver->nvars;
37  int ghosts = solver->ghosts;
38  int *dim_local = solver->dim_local;
40  /* calculate dxinv */
41  {
42  int offset = 0;
43  for (int d = 0; d < m_ndims; d++) {
44  for (int i = 0; i < dim_local[d]; i++) {
45  solver->dxinv[i+offset+ghosts]
46  = 2.0 / ( solver->x[i+1+offset+ghosts]
47  - solver->x[i-1+offset+ghosts] );
48  }
49  offset += (dim_local[d] + 2*ghosts);
50  }
51  }
53  /* exchange MPI-boundary values of dxinv between processors */
54  {
55  int offset = 0;
56  for (int d = 0; d < m_ndims; d++) {
57  ierr = MPIExchangeBoundaries1D( mpi,
58  &(solver->dxinv[offset]),
59  dim_local[d],
60  ghosts,
61  d,
62  m_ndims );
63  if (ierr) return ierr;
64  offset += (dim_local[d] + 2*ghosts);
65  }
66  }
68  /* fill in ghost values of dxinv at physical boundaries by extrapolation */
69  {
70  int offset = 0;
71  for (int d = 0; d < m_ndims; d++) {
72  double *dxinv = &(solver->dxinv[offset]);
73  int *dim = dim_local;
74  if (mpi->ip[d] == 0) {
75  /* fill left boundary along this dimension */
76  for (int i = 0; i < ghosts; i++) dxinv[i] = dxinv[ghosts];
77  }
78  if (mpi->ip[d] == mpi->iproc[d]-1) {
79  /* fill right boundary along this dimension */
80  for (int i = dim[d]+ghosts; i < dim[d]+2*ghosts; i++) {
81  dxinv[i] = dxinv[dim[d]+ghosts-1];
82  }
83  }
84  offset += (dim[d] + 2*ghosts);
85  }
86  }
88  }
90  return 0;
91 }
int MPIExchangeBoundaries1D(void *, double *, int, int, int, int)
int * dim_local
Definition: hypar.h:37
int ghosts
Definition: hypar.h:52
void interpolateGrid(SimulationObject *const, const SimulationObject *const)
std::vector< SimulationObject > m_sims_sg
Structure of MPI-related variables.
double * x
Definition: hypar.h:107
int nvars
Definition: hypar.h:29
double * dxinv
Definition: hypar.h:110
Structure containing all solver-specific variables and functions.
Definition: hypar.h:23

◆ InitializeBoundaries()

int InitializeBoundaries ( )

Initialize the boundary conditions of the simulation

Implements Simulation.

Definition at line 101 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

102  {
103  int retval = ::InitializeBoundaries( (void*) m_sims_sg.data(),
104  m_nsims_sg );
105  if (m_nsims_sg > 0) {
106  m_is_periodic.resize(m_ndims);
107  for (int d=0; d<m_ndims; d++) {
108  m_is_periodic[d] = ( m_sims_sg[0].solver.isPeriodic[d] == 1 ? true : false);
109  m_sim_fg->solver.isPeriodic[d] = m_sims_sg[0].solver.isPeriodic[d];
110  }
111  }
112  return retval;
113  }
std::vector< SimulationObject > m_sims_sg
int * isPeriodic
Definition: hypar.h:162
std::vector< bool > m_is_periodic

◆ InitializeImmersedBoundaries()

int InitializeImmersedBoundaries ( )

Initialize the immersed boundary conditions of the simulation

Implements Simulation.

Definition at line 116 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

117  {
118  int retval = ::InitializeImmersedBoundaries( (void*) m_sims_sg.data(),
119  m_nsims_sg );
120  return retval;
121  }
std::vector< SimulationObject > m_sims_sg

◆ InitializePhysics()

int InitializePhysics ( )

Initialize the physics of the simulations

Implements Simulation.

Definition at line 124 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

125  {
126  int retval = ::InitializePhysics( (void*) m_sims_sg.data(),
127  m_nsims_sg );
128  return retval;
129  }
std::vector< SimulationObject > m_sims_sg

◆ InitializePhysicsData()

int InitializePhysicsData ( )

Initialize the physics of the simulations

Implements Simulation.

Definition at line 132 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

133  {
134  for (int ns = 0; ns < m_sims_sg.size(); ns++) {
135  int retval = ::InitializePhysicsData( (void*) &(m_sims_sg[ns]),
136  -1,
137  m_nsims_sg,
139  if (retval) {
140  fprintf(stderr, "Error in SparseGridsSimulation::InitializePhysicsData()\n");
141  fprintf(stderr, " InitializePhysicsData returned with error code %d on rank %d.\n",
142  retval, m_sims_sg[ns].mpi.rank);
143  return retval;
144  }
145  }
146  return 0;
147  }
std::vector< SimulationObject > m_sims_sg
int * dim_global
Definition: hypar.h:33

◆ InitializeSolvers()

int InitializeSolvers ( )

Initialize the numerical solvers of the simulations

Implements Simulation.

Definition at line 150 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

151  {
152  int retval = ::InitializeSolvers( (void*) m_sims_sg.data(),
153  m_nsims_sg );
156  /* some modifications to output filename roots */
157  for (int i=0; i<m_nsims_sg; i++) {
158  strcpy(m_sims_sg[i].solver.op_fname_root, "op_sg");
159  strcpy(m_sims_sg[i].solver.aux_op_fname_root, "ts0_sg");
160  }
161  strcpy(m_sim_fg->solver.op_fname_root, "op_fg");
162  strcpy(m_sim_fg->solver.aux_op_fname_root, "ts0_fg");
163  return retval;
164  }
char aux_op_fname_root[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_]
Definition: hypar.h:203
std::vector< SimulationObject > m_sims_sg
int InitializeSolversBarebones(SimulationObject *)
char op_fname_root[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_]
Definition: hypar.h:201

◆ InitializationWrapup()

int InitializationWrapup ( )

Wrap up initializations

Finish all the initializations: Interpolate the initial solution on the full grid to all the sparse grids, now that the boundary conditions are available.

Reimplemented from Simulation.

Definition at line 15 of file SparseGridsInitializationWrapup.cpp.

16 {
17  int ierr;
19  for (int n = 0; n < m_nsims_sg; n++) {
21  if (!m_rank) {
22  printf("Interpolating initial solution to sparse grids domain %d.\n", n);
23  }
26  HyPar* solver = &(m_sims_sg[n].solver);
27  MPIVariables* mpi = &(m_sims_sg[n].mpi);
29  int nvars = solver->nvars;
30  int ghosts = solver->ghosts;
31  int *dim_local = solver->dim_local;
33  /* exchange MPI-boundary values of u between processors */
35  nvars,
36  dim_local,
37  ghosts,
38  mpi,
39  solver->u );
41  /* calculate volume integral of the initial solution */
43  solver->u,
44  solver,
45  mpi );
46  if (ierr) return ierr;
48  if (!mpi->rank) {
49  printf(" Volume integral of the initial solution on sparse grids domain %d:\n", n);
50  for (int d=0; d<nvars; d++) {
51  printf(" %2d: %1.16E\n",d,solver->VolumeIntegralInitial[d]);
52  }
53  }
55  /* Set initial total boundary flux integral to zero */
56  _ArraySetValue_( solver->TotalBoundaryIntegral, nvars, 0 );
58  }
60  return 0;
61 }
int VolumeIntegral(double *, double *, void *, void *)
double * VolumeIntegralInitial
Definition: hypar.h:375
int * dim_local
Definition: hypar.h:37
int MPIExchangeBoundariesnD(int, int, int *, int, void *, double *)
int ghosts
Definition: hypar.h:52
#define _ArraySetValue_(x, size, value)
std::vector< SimulationObject > m_sims_sg
Structure of MPI-related variables.
int nvars
Definition: hypar.h:29
double * u
Definition: hypar.h:116
void interpolate(SimulationObject *const, const SimulationObject *const)
double * TotalBoundaryIntegral
Definition: hypar.h:381
Structure containing all solver-specific variables and functions.
Definition: hypar.h:23

◆ Solve()

int Solve ( )

Run the simulation using native time integrators

This function integrates the semi-discrete ODE (obtained from discretizing the PDE in space) using natively implemented time integration methods. It initializes the time integration object, iterates the simulation for the required number of time steps, and calculates the errors. After the specified number of iterations, it writes out some information to the screen and the solution to a file.

Implements Simulation.

Definition at line 17 of file SparseGridsSolve.cpp.

18 {
19  int tic = 0;
21  /* write out iblank to file for visualization */
22  if (m_write_sg_solutions == 1) {
23  for (int ns = 0; ns < m_nsims_sg; ns++) {
24  if (m_sims_sg[ns].solver.flag_ib) {
26  char fname_root[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_] = "iblank_sg";
27  if (m_nsims_sg > 1) {
28  char index[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_];
29  GetStringFromInteger(ns, index, (int)log10((m_nsims_sg)+1));
30  strcat(fname_root, "_");
31  strcat(fname_root, index);
32  }
34  WriteArray( m_sims_sg[ns].solver.ndims,
35  1,
36  m_sims_sg[ns].solver.dim_global,
37  m_sims_sg[ns].solver.dim_local,
38  m_sims_sg[ns].solver.ghosts,
39  m_sims_sg[ns].solver.x,
40  m_sims_sg[ns].solver.iblank,
41  &(m_sims_sg[ns].solver),
42  &(m_sims_sg[ns].mpi),
43  fname_root );
44  }
45  }
46  }
47  if (m_sim_fg->solver.flag_ib) {
49  char fname_root[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_] = "iblank";
51  1,
55  m_sim_fg->solver.x,
57  &(m_sim_fg->solver),
58  &(m_sim_fg->mpi),
59  fname_root );
60  }
62  /* Define and initialize the time-integration object */
63  TimeIntegration TS;
64  if (!m_rank) printf("Setting up time integration.\n");
65  TimeInitialize((void*)m_sims_sg.data(), m_nsims_sg, m_rank, m_nproc, &TS);
67  if (!m_rank) {
68  printf( "Solving in time (from %d to %d iterations)\n",
69  TS.restart_iter,TS.n_iter);
70  }
72  for (TS.iter = TS.restart_iter; TS.iter < TS.n_iter; TS.iter++) {
74  /* Write initial solution to file if this is the first iteration */
75  if (!TS.iter) OutputSolution();
77  /* Call pre-step function */
78  TimePreStep (&TS);
80  /* Step in time */
81  TimeStep (&TS);
83  /* Call post-step function */
84  TimePostStep (&TS);
86  /* Print information to screen */
87  TimePrintStep(&TS);
88  tic++;
90  /* Write intermediate solution to file */
91  if ((TS.iter+1)%m_sims_sg[0].solver.file_op_iter == 0) {
93  tic = 0;
94  }
96  }
98  /* write a final solution file, if last iteration did not write one */
99  if (tic || (!TS.n_iter)) OutputSolution();
101  if (!m_rank) {
102  printf("Completed time integration (Final time: %f).\n",TS.waqt);
103  if (m_nsims_sg > 1) printf("\n");
104  }
106  /* calculate error if exact solution has been provided */
107  CalculateError();
109  TimeCleanup(&TS);
111  return(0);
112 }
int TimePreStep(void *)
Definition: TimePreStep.c:22
Definition: basic.h:14
int * dim_local
Definition: hypar.h:37
int TimePostStep(void *)
Definition: TimePostStep.c:28
int ghosts
Definition: hypar.h:52
std::vector< SimulationObject > m_sims_sg
int TimeInitialize(void *, int, int, int, void *)
int * dim_global
Definition: hypar.h:33
Structure of variables/parameters and function pointers for time integration.
double * x
Definition: hypar.h:107
int flag_ib
Definition: hypar.h:436
int TimeCleanup(void *)
Definition: TimeCleanup.c:18
int ndims
Definition: hypar.h:26
double * iblank
Definition: hypar.h:431
int TimeStep(void *)
Definition: TimeStep.c:13
void GetStringFromInteger(int, char *, int)
int WriteArray(int, int, int *, int *, int, double *, double *, void *, void *, char *)
Definition: WriteArray.c:27
int TimePrintStep(void *)
Definition: TimePrintStep.c:16

◆ WriteErrors()

void WriteErrors ( double  solver_runtime,
double  main_runtime 

Write simulation errors and wall times to file

Writes out the errors and other data for the sparse grids simulation.

solver_runtimeMeasured runtime of solver
main_runtimeMeasured total runtime

Implements Simulation.

Definition at line 14 of file SparseGridsWriteErrors.cpp.

17 {
18  if (!m_rank) {
20  /* Write sparse grids stuff, if asked for */
21  if (m_print_sg_errors == 1) {
22  for (int n = 0; n < m_nsims_sg; n++) {
24  char err_fname[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_],
25  cons_fname[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_],
26  fc_fname[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_];
28  strcpy(err_fname, "errors");
29  strcpy(cons_fname,"conservation");
30  strcpy(fc_fname, "function_counts");
32  if (m_nsims_sg > 1) {
34  strcat(err_fname,"_");
35  strcat(cons_fname,"_");
36  strcat(fc_fname,"_");
38  char index[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_];
39  GetStringFromInteger(n, index, (int)log10(m_nsims_sg)+1);
41  strcat(err_fname,index);
42  strcat(cons_fname,index);
43  strcat(fc_fname,index);
44  }
46  strcat(err_fname,".dat");
47  strcat(cons_fname,".dat");
48  strcat(fc_fname,".dat");
50  FILE *out;
51  /* write out solution errors and wall times to file */
52  int d;
53  out = fopen(err_fname,"w");
54  for (d=0; d<m_sims_sg[n].solver.ndims; d++) fprintf(out,"%4d ",m_sims_sg[n].solver.dim_global[d]);
55  for (d=0; d<m_sims_sg[n].solver.ndims; d++) fprintf(out,"%4d ",m_sims_sg[n].mpi.iproc[d]);
56  fprintf(out,"%1.16E ",m_sims_sg[n].solver.dt);
57  fprintf(out,"%1.16E %1.16E %1.16E ",m_sims_sg[n].solver.error[0],m_sims_sg[n].solver.error[1],m_sims_sg[n].solver.error[2]);
58  fprintf(out,"%1.16E %1.16E\n",solver_runtime,main_runtime);
59  fclose(out);
60  /* write out conservation errors to file */
61  out = fopen(cons_fname,"w");
62  for (d=0; d<m_sims_sg[n].solver.ndims; d++) fprintf(out,"%4d ",m_sims_sg[n].solver.dim_global[d]);
63  for (d=0; d<m_sims_sg[n].solver.ndims; d++) fprintf(out,"%4d ",m_sims_sg[n].mpi.iproc[d]);
64  fprintf(out,"%1.16E ",m_sims_sg[n].solver.dt);
65  for (d=0; d<m_sims_sg[n].solver.nvars; d++) fprintf(out,"%1.16E ",m_sims_sg[n].solver.ConservationError[d]);
66  fprintf(out,"\n");
67  fclose(out);
68  /* write out function call counts to file */
69  out = fopen(fc_fname,"w");
70  fprintf(out,"%d\n",m_sims_sg[n].solver.n_iter);
71  fprintf(out,"%d\n",m_sims_sg[n].solver.count_hyp);
72  fprintf(out,"%d\n",m_sims_sg[n].solver.count_par);
73  fprintf(out,"%d\n",m_sims_sg[n].solver.count_sou);
74  #ifdef with_petsc
75  fprintf(out,"%d\n",m_sims_sg[n].solver.count_RHSFunction);
76  fprintf(out,"%d\n",m_sims_sg[n].solver.count_IFunction);
77  fprintf(out,"%d\n",m_sims_sg[n].solver.count_IJacobian);
78  fprintf(out,"%d\n",m_sims_sg[n].solver.count_IJacFunction);
79  #endif
80  fclose(out);
82  /* print solution errors, conservation errors, and wall times to screen */
83  if (m_sims_sg[n].solver.error[0] >= 0) {
84  printf("Computed errors for sparse grids domain %d:\n", n);
85  printf(" L1 Error: %1.16E\n",m_sims_sg[n].solver.error[0]);
86  printf(" L2 Error: %1.16E\n",m_sims_sg[n].solver.error[1]);
87  printf(" Linf Error: %1.16E\n",m_sims_sg[n].solver.error[2]);
88  }
89  if (!strcmp(m_sims_sg[n].solver.ConservationCheck,"yes")) {
90  printf("Conservation Errors:\n");
91  for (d=0; d<m_sims_sg[n].solver.nvars; d++) printf("\t%1.16E\n",m_sims_sg[n].solver.ConservationError[d]);
92  printf("\n");
93  }
95  }
96  }
98  /* First write stuff for the full grid solution */
99  {
100  char err_fname[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_];
101  strcpy(err_fname,"errors_fg");
102  strcat(err_fname,".dat");
104  FILE *out;
105  /* write out solution errors and wall times to file */
106  int d;
107  out = fopen(err_fname,"w");
108  for (d=0; d<m_sim_fg->solver.ndims; d++) fprintf(out,"%4d ",m_sim_fg->solver.dim_global[d]);
109  for (d=0; d<m_sim_fg->solver.ndims; d++) fprintf(out,"%4d ",m_sim_fg->mpi.iproc[d]);
110  fprintf(out,"%1.16E ",m_sim_fg->solver.dt);
111  fprintf(out,"%1.16E %1.16E %1.16E ",m_sim_fg->solver.error[0],m_sim_fg->solver.error[1],m_sim_fg->solver.error[2]);
112  fprintf(out,"%1.16E %1.16E\n",solver_runtime,main_runtime);
113  fclose(out);
115  /* print solution errors, conservation errors, and wall times to screen */
116  if (m_sim_fg->solver.error[0] >= 0) {
117  printf("Computed errors for full grid solution:\n");
118  printf(" L1 Error: %1.16E\n",m_sim_fg->solver.error[0]);
119  printf(" L2 Error: %1.16E\n",m_sim_fg->solver.error[1]);
120  printf(" Linf Error: %1.16E\n",m_sim_fg->solver.error[2]);
121  }
122  }
124  /* report wall times */
125  printf("Solver runtime (in seconds): %1.16E\n",solver_runtime);
126  printf("Total runtime (in seconds): %1.16E\n",main_runtime);
128  }
130  return;
131 }
double error[3]
Definition: hypar.h:366
Definition: basic.h:14
std::vector< SimulationObject > m_sims_sg
int * dim_global
Definition: hypar.h:33
double dt
Definition: hypar.h:67
int ndims
Definition: hypar.h:26
void GetStringFromInteger(int, char *, int)

◆ isDefined()

bool isDefined ( ) const

Return whether object is defined or not

Implements Simulation.

Definition at line 176 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

◆ mpiCommDup()

int mpiCommDup ( )

Create duplicate MPI communicators

Implements Simulation.

Definition at line 180 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

181  {
182  if (!m_sim_fg) {
183  fprintf(stderr, "Error in SparseGridsSimulation::mpiCommDup()\n");
184  fprintf(stderr, " m_sim_fg is not allocated on rank %d!\n", m_rank);
185  return 1;
186  }
187  MPI_Comm_dup(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &(m_sim_fg->mpi.world));
188  return 0;
189  }
MPI_Comm world

◆ usePetscTS()

void usePetscTS ( PetscBool  a_flag)

Set flag whether to use PETSc time integration

Implements Simulation.

Definition at line 194 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

195  {
196  m_sim_fg->solver.use_petscTS = a_flag;
197  }
int use_petscTS
Definition: hypar.h:390

◆ SolvePETSc()

int SolvePETSc ( )

Run the simulation using PETSc time integrators

Implements Simulation.

Definition at line 200 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

201  {
202  int retval = ::SolvePETSc( (void*) m_sims_sg.data(),
203  m_nsims_sg,
204  m_rank,
205  m_nproc );
206  return retval;
207  }
std::vector< SimulationObject > m_sims_sg

◆ SanityChecks()

int SanityChecks ( )

Some basic sanity checks

Do some basic sanity checks to make sure that a sparse grids simulation can be carried out for this setup.

For the full grid:

  • Check if grid sizes are same along all dimensions.
  • Check if grid size is a power of 2.
  • Check if number of MPI ranks are same along all dimensions.
  • Check if number of MPI ranks is a power of 2.

Definition at line 18 of file SparseGridsSanityChecks.cpp.

19 {
20  int *dim_global_fg = m_sim_fg->solver.dim_global;
21  int *iproc_fg = m_sim_fg->mpi.iproc;
23  /* check if grid sizes are same along all dimensions */
24  {
25  bool flag = true;
26  for (int d=0; d<m_ndims; d++) {
27  flag = flag && (dim_global_fg[d] == dim_global_fg[0]);
28  }
29  if (!flag) {
30  fprintf(stderr, "Error in SparseGridsSimulation::SanityChecks()\n");
31  fprintf(stderr, " full grid dimensions are not equal in all dimensions.\n");
32  return 1;
33  }
34  }
36  /* check if grid size is a power of 2 */
37  {
38  bool flag = isPowerOfTwo(dim_global_fg[0]);
39  if (!flag) {
40  fprintf(stderr, "Error in SparseGridsSimulation::SanityChecks()\n");
41  fprintf(stderr, " full grid dimensions are not a power of 2.\n");
42  return 1;
43  }
44  }
46  return 0;
47 }
int * dim_global
Definition: hypar.h:33

◆ ComputeSGDimsAndCoeffs()

int ComputeSGDimsAndCoeffs ( )

Compute the number, coefficients, and dimensions of all the sparse grids that go into the combination technique.

Definition at line 20 of file SparseGridsMiscFuncs.cpp.

21 {
22  m_n_fg = log2(m_sim_fg->solver.dim_global[0]);
23  int d = m_ndims;
25  double c1 = 1;
26  m_combination.clear();
27  for (int s = 1; s <= d; s++) {
29  double coeff = c1 * cfunc(d-1,s-1);
31  std::vector<GridDimensions> dims(0);
32  GetCTGridSizes((m_n_fg+(m_ndims-1)*(m_imin-1))+d-s, dims);
33  if (dims.size() == 0) {
34  fprintf(stderr, "Error in SparseGridsSimulation::ComputeSGDimsAndCoeffs()\n");
35  fprintf(stderr, " GetCTGridSize() returned empty vector!\n");
36  m_combination.clear();
37  return 1;
38  }
39  for (int i=0; i<dims.size(); i++) {
40  m_combination.push_back(std::pair<double,GridDimensions>(coeff,dims[i]));
41  }
43  c1 *= -1;
45  }
47  return 0;
48 }
double cfunc(int a, int b)
int * dim_global
Definition: hypar.h:33
std::vector< SGCTElem > m_combination
void GetCTGridSizes(const int, std::vector< GridDimensions > &)

◆ ComputeProcessorDistribution()

int ComputeProcessorDistribution ( ProcDistribution a_iprocs,
const GridDimensions a_dim 

Compute the load-balanced MPI ranks distributions

Compute the load-balanced processor distribution for a given grid size and the total number of MPI ranks available

a_iprocsProcessor distribution to compute
a_dimGrid dimensions

Definition at line 81 of file SparseGridsMiscFuncs.cpp.

83 {
84  a_iprocs.resize(m_ndims);
85  /* get the normal vector for the grid dimensions */
86  std::vector<double> dvec;
87  StdVecOps::createNormalVector(dvec, a_dim);
89  /* calculate the maximum number of MPI ranks in each dimension */
90  int max_procs[m_ndims], min_procs[m_ndims];
91  for (int i=0; i<m_ndims; i++) {
92  max_procs[i] = a_dim[i]/_MIN_GRID_PTS_PER_PROC_;
93  min_procs[i] = 1;
94  }
95  int max_nproc; _ArrayProduct1D_(max_procs, m_ndims, max_nproc);
96  if (max_nproc < m_nproc) {
97  fprintf(stderr, "Error in SparseGridsSimulation::ComputeProcessorDistribution() - rank %d\n", m_rank);
98  fprintf(stderr, " Number of MPI ranks greater than the maximum number of MPI ranks that can be used.\n");
99  fprintf(stderr, " Please re-run with %d MPI ranks.\n", max_nproc);
100  return 1;
101  }
103  /* find all the processor distributions that are okay, i.e., their product
104  * is the total number of MPI ranks #SparseGridsSimulation::m_nproc */
105  std::vector<ProcDistribution> iproc_candidates(0);
106  int iproc[m_ndims], ubound[m_ndims], done = 0;
107  for (int d=0; d<m_ndims; d++) ubound[d] = max_procs[d]+1;
108  _ArraySetValue_(iproc, m_ndims, 1);
109  while (!done) {
110  int prod; _ArrayProduct1D_(iproc, m_ndims, prod);
111  if (prod == m_nproc) {
112  ProcDistribution iproc_vec(m_ndims);
113  for (int d = 0; d < m_ndims; d++) iproc_vec[d] = iproc[d];
114  iproc_candidates.push_back(iproc_vec);
115  }
116  _ArrayIncrementIndexWithLBound_(m_ndims,ubound,min_procs,iproc,done);
117  }
118  if (iproc_candidates.size() == 0) {
119  fprintf(stderr, "Error in SparseGridsSimulation::ComputeProcessorDistribution() - rank %d\n", m_rank);
120  fprintf(stderr, " Unable to fine candidate iprocs!\n");
121  return 1;
122  }
124  /* find the candidate that is closest to the normalized dim vector */
125  double min_norm = DBL_MAX;
126  for (int i = 0; i<iproc_candidates.size(); i++) {
127  std::vector<double> pvec;
128  StdVecOps::createNormalVector(pvec, iproc_candidates[i]);
129  double norm = StdVecOps::compute2Norm(pvec, dvec);
130  if (norm < min_norm) {
131  min_norm = norm;
132  a_iprocs = iproc_candidates[i];
133  }
134  }
136  return 0;
137 }
void createNormalVector(std::vector< double > &a_normal_vec, const int *a_vec, const int a_size)
Definition: std_vec_ops.h:70
std::vector< int > ProcDistribution
#define _ArrayIncrementIndexWithLBound_(N, imax, imin, i, done)
#define _ArraySetValue_(x, size, value)
double compute2Norm(const std::vector< double > &a_a, const std::vector< double > &a_b)
Definition: std_vec_ops.h:102
#define _ArrayProduct1D_(x, size, p)
Definition: basic.h:39

◆ GetCTGridSizes()

void GetCTGridSizes ( const int  a_N,
std::vector< GridDimensions > &  a_dims 

Compute all grids such that the base2 logs of the size in each dimension adds up to the input argument

a_NDesired sum of the base2 logs of grid sizes
a_dimsVector of grid sizes

Definition at line 52 of file SparseGridsMiscFuncs.cpp.

55 {
56  a_dims.clear();
58  int index[m_ndims], ubounds[m_ndims], lbounds[m_ndims];
60  _ArraySetValue_(ubounds, m_ndims, a_N);
61  _ArraySetValue_(lbounds, m_ndims, m_imin);
63  int done = 0;
64  while (!done) {
65  int sum; _ArraySum1D_(index, sum, m_ndims);
66  if (sum == a_N) {
67  std::vector<int> tmp(m_ndims);
68  for (int d=0; d<m_ndims; d++) {
69  raiseto_int( tmp[d], 2,index[d] );
70  }
71  a_dims.push_back(tmp);
72  }
73  _ArrayIncrementIndexWithLBound_(m_ndims,ubounds,lbounds,index,done);
74  }
76  return;
77 }
#define raiseto_int(y, x, a)
Definition: math_ops.h:42
#define _ArraySum1D_(x, a, size)
#define _ArrayIncrementIndexWithLBound_(N, imax, imin, i, done)
#define _ArraySetValue_(x, size, value)
long sum(const std::vector< int > &a_iv)
Definition: std_vec_ops.h:18

◆ InitializeBarebones()

int InitializeBarebones ( SimulationObject simobj)

Initialize a "barebones" simulation object

A barebones initialization function for a simulation object. It will allocate data holders for only the stuff needed for storing a solution; this object cannot be used for an actual simulation. This function does the following:

  • initializes the values for MPI variables
  • allocates memory for arrays to store full grid solution
simobjsimulation objects of type SimulationObject

Definition at line 190 of file SparseGridsMiscFuncs.cpp.

191 {
192  /* Set this to "true" since this is a barebones initialization */
193  simobj->is_barebones = 1;
195  HyPar* solver = &(simobj->solver);
196  MPIVariables* mpi = &(simobj->mpi);
198  /* allocations */
199  mpi->ip = (int*) calloc (m_ndims,sizeof(int));
200  mpi->is = (int*) calloc (m_ndims,sizeof(int));
201  mpi->ie = (int*) calloc (m_ndims,sizeof(int));
202  mpi->bcperiodic = (int*) calloc (m_ndims,sizeof(int));
203  solver->dim_local = (int*) calloc (m_ndims,sizeof(int));
204  solver->isPeriodic = (int*) calloc (m_ndims,sizeof(int));
206 #ifndef serial
207  /* Domain partitioning */
208  int total_proc = 1;
209  for (int i=0; i<m_ndims; i++) total_proc *= mpi->iproc[i];
211  /* calculate ndims-D rank of each process (ip[]) from rank in MPI_COMM_WORLD */
213  m_rank,
214  mpi->iproc,
215  mpi->ip ); CHECKERR(ierr);
217  /* calculate local domain sizes along each dimension */
218  for (int i=0; i<m_ndims; i++) {
219  solver->dim_local[i] = MPIPartition1D( solver->dim_global[i],
220  mpi->iproc[i],
221  mpi->ip[i] );
222  }
224  /* calculate local domain limits in terms of global domain */
226  m_rank,
227  &(simobj->mpi),
228  solver->dim_global,
229  mpi->is,
230  mpi->ie );
231  CHECKERR(ierr);
233  /* create sub-communicators for parallel computations
234  * along grid lines in each dimension */
235  IERR MPICreateCommunicators(m_ndims,&(simobj->mpi)); CHECKERR(ierr);
237  /* initialize periodic BC flags to zero */
238  for (int i=0; i<solver->ndims; i++) mpi->bcperiodic[i] = 0;
240  /* create communication groups */
241  IERR MPICreateIOGroups(&(simobj->mpi)); CHECKERR(ierr);
243 #else
245  for (int i=0; i<m_ndims; i++) {
246  mpi->ip[i] = 0;
247  solver->dim_local[i] = solver->dim_global[i];
248  mpi->iproc[i] = 1;
249  mpi->is[i] = 0;
250  mpi->ie[i] = solver->dim_local[i];
251  mpi->bcperiodic[i] = 0;
252  }
254 #endif
256  solver->npoints_global
257  = solver->npoints_local
258  = solver->npoints_local_wghosts
259  = 1;
260  for (int i=0; i<m_ndims; i++) {
261  solver->npoints_global *= solver->dim_global[i];
262  solver->npoints_local *= solver->dim_local [i];
263  solver->npoints_local_wghosts *= (solver->dim_local[i]+2*solver->ghosts);
264  }
266  /* Allocations */
267  if (!m_rank) printf("Allocating data arrays for full grid.\n");
268  solver->index = (int*) calloc (m_ndims,sizeof(int));
269  solver->stride_with_ghosts = (int*) calloc (solver->ndims,sizeof(int));
270  solver->stride_without_ghosts = (int*) calloc (solver->ndims,sizeof(int));
271  int accu1 = 1, accu2 = 1;
272  for (int i=0; i<solver->ndims; i++) {
273  solver->stride_with_ghosts[i] = accu1;
274  solver->stride_without_ghosts[i] = accu2;
275  accu1 *= (solver->dim_local[i]+2*solver->ghosts);
276  accu2 *= solver->dim_local[i];
277  }
280  int size;
281  /* state variables */
282  size = 1;
283  for (int i=0; i<m_ndims; i++) size *= (solver->dim_local[i]+2*solver->ghosts);
284  solver->u = (double*) calloc (solver->nvars*size,sizeof(double));
286  /* grid */
287  size = 0;
288  for (int i=0; i<m_ndims; i++) size += (solver->dim_local[i]+2*solver->ghosts);
289  solver->x = (double*) calloc (size,sizeof(double));
290  solver->dxinv = (double*) calloc (size,sizeof(double));
292  /* allocate MPI send/receive buffer arrays */
293  int bufdim[solver->ndims], maxbuf = 0;
294  for (int d = 0; d < solver->ndims; d++) {
295  bufdim[d] = 1;
296  for (int i = 0; i < solver->ndims; i++) {
297  if (i == d) bufdim[d] *= solver->ghosts;
298  else bufdim[d] *= solver->dim_local[i];
299  }
300  if (bufdim[d] > maxbuf) maxbuf = bufdim[d];
301  }
302  maxbuf *= solver->nvars;
303  mpi->maxbuf = maxbuf;
304  mpi->sendbuf = (double*) calloc (2*solver->ndims*maxbuf,sizeof(double));
305  mpi->recvbuf = (double*) calloc (2*solver->ndims*maxbuf,sizeof(double));
307  solver->VolumeIntegral = (double*) calloc (solver->nvars,sizeof(double));
308  solver->VolumeIntegralInitial = (double*) calloc (solver->nvars,sizeof(double));
309  solver->TotalBoundaryIntegral = (double*) calloc (solver->nvars,sizeof(double));
310  solver->ConservationError = (double*) calloc (solver->nvars,sizeof(double));
312  for (int i=0; i<solver->nvars; i++) solver->ConservationError[i] = -1;
314  return(0);
315 }
double * sendbuf
#define CHECKERR(ierr)
Definition: basic.h:18
double * VolumeIntegralInitial
Definition: hypar.h:375
int * stride_with_ghosts
Definition: hypar.h:409
int * dim_local
Definition: hypar.h:37
int ghosts
Definition: hypar.h:52
int MPIRanknD(int, int, int *, int *)
Definition: MPIRanknD.c:27
int MPICreateIOGroups(void *)
Definition: MPIIOGroups.c:37
double * VolumeIntegral
Definition: hypar.h:373
int MPICreateCommunicators(int, void *)
int * index
Definition: hypar.h:102
Structure of MPI-related variables.
int npoints_local
Definition: hypar.h:42
int * dim_global
Definition: hypar.h:33
double * x
Definition: hypar.h:107
int nvars
Definition: hypar.h:29
double * u
Definition: hypar.h:116
double * recvbuf
#define IERR
Definition: basic.h:16
int ndims
Definition: hypar.h:26
int MPIPartition1D(int, int, int)
double * ConservationError
Definition: hypar.h:369
int npoints_global
Definition: hypar.h:40
int * isPeriodic
Definition: hypar.h:162
int npoints_local_wghosts
Definition: hypar.h:42
int * stride_without_ghosts
Definition: hypar.h:411
int MPILocalDomainLimits(int, int, void *, int *, int *, int *)
double * dxinv
Definition: hypar.h:110
double * TotalBoundaryIntegral
Definition: hypar.h:381
Structure containing all solver-specific variables and functions.
Definition: hypar.h:23

◆ InitializeSolversBarebones()

int InitializeSolversBarebones ( SimulationObject sim)

Initialize some function pointers for a "barebones" simulation object

This function initializes all some function pointers needed by a barebones simulation object.

simsimulation objects of type SimulationObject

Definition at line 320 of file SparseGridsMiscFuncs.cpp.

321 {
322  if (sim->is_barebones != 1) {
323  fprintf(stderr, "Error in SparseGridsSimulation::InitializeSolversBarebones() - \n");
324  fprintf(stderr, " simulation object is not barebones type.\n");
325  }
327  int ns;
329  HyPar *solver = &(sim->solver);
330  MPIVariables *mpi = &(sim->mpi);
332  solver->ParabolicFunction = NULL;
333  solver->SecondDerivativePar = NULL;
334  solver->FirstDerivativePar = NULL;
335  solver->InterpolateInterfacesPar = NULL;
337  solver->interp = NULL;
338  solver->compact = NULL;
339  solver->lusolver = NULL;
340  solver->SetInterpLimiterVar = NULL;
341  solver->flag_nonlinearinterp = 0;
342  solver->time_integrator = NULL;
343  solver->msti = NULL;
345  /* Solution output function */
346  solver->WriteOutput = NULL; /* default - no output */
347  solver->filename_index = NULL;
348  if (!strcmp(solver->output_mode,"serial")) {
349  solver->index_length = 5;
350  solver->filename_index = (char*) calloc (solver->index_length+1,sizeof(char));
351  int i; for (i=0; i<solver->index_length; i++) solver->filename_index[i] = '0';
352  solver->filename_index[solver->index_length] = (char) 0;
353  if (!strcmp(solver->op_file_format,"text")) {
354  solver->WriteOutput = WriteText;
355  strcpy(solver->solnfilename_extn,".dat");
356  } else if (!strcmp(solver->op_file_format,"tecplot2d")) {
357  solver->WriteOutput = WriteTecplot2D;
358  strcpy(solver->solnfilename_extn,".dat");
359  } else if (!strcmp(solver->op_file_format,"tecplot3d")) {
360  solver->WriteOutput = WriteTecplot3D;
361  strcpy(solver->solnfilename_extn,".dat");
362  } else if ((!strcmp(solver->op_file_format,"binary")) || (!strcmp(solver->op_file_format,"bin"))) {
363  solver->WriteOutput = WriteBinary;
364  strcpy(solver->solnfilename_extn,".bin");
365  } else if (!strcmp(solver->op_file_format,"none")) {
366  solver->WriteOutput = NULL;
367  } else {
368  fprintf(stderr,"Error (domain %d): %s is not a supported file format.\n",
369  ns, solver->op_file_format);
370  return(1);
371  }
372  if ((!strcmp(solver->op_overwrite,"no")) && solver->restart_iter) {
373  /* if it's a restart run, fast-forward the filename */
374  int t;
375  for (t=0; t<solver->restart_iter; t++)
376  if ((t+1)%solver->file_op_iter == 0) IncrementFilenameIndex(solver->filename_index,solver->index_length);
377  }
378  } else if (!strcmp(solver->output_mode,"parallel")) {
379  if (!strcmp(solver->op_file_format,"none")) solver->WriteOutput = NULL;
380  else {
381  /* only binary file writing supported in parallel mode */
382  /* use post-processing scripts to convert */
383  solver->WriteOutput = WriteBinary;
384  strcpy(solver->solnfilename_extn,".bin");
385  }
386  } else {
388  fprintf(stderr,"Error (domain %d): %s is not a supported output mode.\n",
389  ns, solver->output_mode);
390  fprintf(stderr,"Should be \"serial\" or \"parallel\". \n");
391  return(1);
393  }
395  return(0);
396 }
char op_file_format[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_]
Definition: hypar.h:186
int WriteTecplot2D(int, int, int *, double *, double *, char *, int *)
void * lusolver
Definition: hypar.h:363
int WriteTecplot3D(int, int, int *, double *, double *, char *, int *)
void * msti
Definition: hypar.h:361
int(* SecondDerivativePar)(double *, double *, int, void *, void *)
Definition: hypar.h:242
void * compact
Definition: hypar.h:359
int index_length
Definition: hypar.h:196
int WriteBinary(int, int, int *, double *, double *, char *, int *)
Definition: WriteBinary.c:34
int(* SetInterpLimiterVar)(double *, double *, double *, int, void *, void *)
Definition: hypar.h:229
int flag_nonlinearinterp
Definition: hypar.h:406
char op_overwrite[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_]
Definition: hypar.h:191
int(* FirstDerivativePar)(double *, double *, int, int, void *, void *)
Definition: hypar.h:238
char output_mode[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_]
Definition: hypar.h:183
void * time_integrator
Definition: hypar.h:165
Structure of MPI-related variables.
char * filename_index
Definition: hypar.h:194
void IncrementFilenameIndex(char *, int)
int(* WriteOutput)(int, int, int *, double *, double *, char *, int *)
Definition: hypar.h:206
int file_op_iter
Definition: hypar.h:171
char solnfilename_extn[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_]
Definition: hypar.h:198
int(* InterpolateInterfacesPar)(double *, double *, int, void *, void *)
Definition: hypar.h:234
int WriteText(int, int, int *, double *, double *, char *, int *)
Definition: WriteText.c:27
void * interp
Definition: hypar.h:357
int restart_iter
Definition: hypar.h:58
Structure containing all solver-specific variables and functions.
Definition: hypar.h:23
int(* ParabolicFunction)(double *, double *, void *, void *, double)
Definition: hypar.h:251

◆ CleanupBarebones()

int CleanupBarebones ( SimulationObject sim)

Cleanup (deallocate) a "barebones" simulation object

Cleanup (deallocation) function for a barebones simulation object that has been allocated using SparseGridsSimulation::InitializeBarebones().

simsimulation objects of type SimulationObject

Definition at line 142 of file SparseGridsMiscFuncs.cpp.

143 {
144  if (sim->is_barebones == 0) {
145  fprintf(stderr, "Error in SparseGridsSimulation::CleanupBarebones()\n");
146  fprintf(stderr, " Simulation object is not a barebones one.\n");
147  return 1;
148  }
150  HyPar* solver = &(sim->solver);
151  MPIVariables* mpi = &(sim->mpi);
153  /* Free the communicators created */
154  IERR MPIFreeCommunicators(solver->ndims,mpi); CHECKERR(ierr);
156  /* These variables are allocated in Initialize.c */
157  free(solver->dim_global);
158  free(solver->dim_global_ex);
159  free(solver->dim_local);
160  free(solver->index);
161  free(solver->isPeriodic);
162  free(solver->u);
163  free(solver->x);
164  free(solver->dxinv);
165  free(mpi->iproc);
166  free(mpi->ip);
167  free(mpi->is);
168  free(mpi->ie);
169  free(mpi->bcperiodic);
170  free(mpi->sendbuf);
171  free(mpi->recvbuf);
172  free(solver->VolumeIntegral);
173  free(solver->VolumeIntegralInitial);
174  free(solver->TotalBoundaryIntegral);
175  free(solver->ConservationError);
176  free(solver->stride_with_ghosts);
177  free(solver->stride_without_ghosts);
178  if (solver->filename_index) free(solver->filename_index);
180  return(0);
181 }
double * sendbuf
#define CHECKERR(ierr)
Definition: basic.h:18
double * VolumeIntegralInitial
Definition: hypar.h:375
int * stride_with_ghosts
Definition: hypar.h:409
int * dim_local
Definition: hypar.h:37
double * VolumeIntegral
Definition: hypar.h:373
int * index
Definition: hypar.h:102
Structure of MPI-related variables.
int * dim_global
Definition: hypar.h:33
char * filename_index
Definition: hypar.h:194
double * x
Definition: hypar.h:107
double * u
Definition: hypar.h:116
double * recvbuf
#define IERR
Definition: basic.h:16
int ndims
Definition: hypar.h:26
int * dim_global_ex
Definition: hypar.h:75
int MPIFreeCommunicators(int, void *)
double * ConservationError
Definition: hypar.h:369
int * isPeriodic
Definition: hypar.h:162
int * stride_without_ghosts
Definition: hypar.h:411
double * dxinv
Definition: hypar.h:110
double * TotalBoundaryIntegral
Definition: hypar.h:381
Structure containing all solver-specific variables and functions.
Definition: hypar.h:23

◆ SetSolverParameters()

int SetSolverParameters ( SimulationObject a_dst_sim,
const GridDimensions a_dim_global,
const ProcDistribution a_iproc,
const SimulationObject a_src_sim,
const int  a_idx,
const int  a_nsims 

Set solver parameters for a simulation object

Set the solver parameters (stuff that is usually read in from solver.inp) for a simulation object, where the global grid sizes and processor distribution are specified, and all other parameters are same as a source simulation object

a_dst_simSimulation object
a_dim_globalSpecified global grid sizes
a_iprocSpecified processor distibution
a_src_simSource simulation object
a_idxIndex or serial number
a_nsimsTotal number of simulations

Definition at line 11 of file SparseGridsSetSolverParameters.cpp.

18 {
19  a_dst_sim.solver.my_idx = a_idx;
20  a_dst_sim.solver.nsims = a_nsims;
22  a_dst_sim.mpi.rank = m_rank;
23  a_dst_sim.mpi.nproc = m_nproc;
25  a_dst_sim.solver.ndims = a_src_sim.solver.ndims;
26  a_dst_sim.solver.nvars = a_src_sim.solver.nvars;
27  a_dst_sim.solver.ghosts = a_src_sim.solver.ghosts;
29  a_dst_sim.solver.dim_global = (int*) calloc (a_dst_sim.solver.ndims,sizeof(int));
30  a_dst_sim.mpi.iproc = (int*) calloc (a_dst_sim.solver.ndims,sizeof(int));
31  for (int d = 0; d < a_dst_sim.solver.ndims; d++) {
32  a_dst_sim.solver.dim_global[d] = a_dim_global[d];
33  a_dst_sim.mpi.iproc[d] = a_iproc[d];
34  }
36  a_dst_sim.solver.n_iter = a_src_sim.solver.n_iter;
37  a_dst_sim.solver.restart_iter = a_src_sim.solver.restart_iter;
39  strcpy(a_dst_sim.solver.time_scheme, a_src_sim.solver.time_scheme);
40  strcpy(a_dst_sim.solver.time_scheme_type, a_src_sim.solver.time_scheme_type);
41  strcpy(a_dst_sim.solver.spatial_scheme_hyp, a_src_sim.solver.spatial_scheme_hyp);
42  strcpy(a_dst_sim.solver.SplitHyperbolicFlux, a_src_sim.solver.SplitHyperbolicFlux);
43  strcpy(a_dst_sim.solver.interp_type, a_src_sim.solver.interp_type);
44  strcpy(a_dst_sim.solver.spatial_type_par, a_src_sim.solver.spatial_type_par);
45  strcpy(a_dst_sim.solver.spatial_scheme_par, a_src_sim.solver.spatial_scheme_par);
47  a_dst_sim.solver.dt = a_src_sim.solver.dt;
49  strcpy(a_dst_sim.solver.ConservationCheck, a_src_sim.solver.ConservationCheck);
51  a_dst_sim.solver.screen_op_iter = a_src_sim.solver.screen_op_iter;
52  a_dst_sim.solver.file_op_iter = a_src_sim.solver.file_op_iter;
54  strcpy(a_dst_sim.solver.op_file_format, a_src_sim.solver.op_file_format);
55  strcpy(a_dst_sim.solver.ip_file_type, a_src_sim.solver.ip_file_type);
57  strcpy(a_dst_sim.solver.input_mode, a_src_sim.solver.input_mode);
58  strcpy(a_dst_sim.solver.output_mode, a_src_sim.solver.output_mode);
59  a_dst_sim.mpi.N_IORanks = a_src_sim.mpi.N_IORanks;
61  strcpy(a_dst_sim.solver.op_overwrite, a_src_sim.solver.op_overwrite);
62  strcpy(a_dst_sim.solver.model, a_src_sim.solver.model);
63  strcpy(a_dst_sim.solver.ib_filename, a_src_sim.solver.ib_filename);
65  a_dst_sim.solver.flag_ib = a_src_sim.solver.flag_ib;
67 #ifdef with_petsc
68  a_dst_sim.solver.use_petscTS = a_src_sim.solver.use_petscTS;
69 #endif
71  return(0);
72 }
int n_iter
Definition: hypar.h:55
char input_mode[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_]
Definition: hypar.h:177
char time_scheme[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_]
Definition: hypar.h:78
char model[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_]
Definition: hypar.h:258
char op_file_format[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_]
Definition: hypar.h:186
int ghosts
Definition: hypar.h:52
char time_scheme_type[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_]
Definition: hypar.h:81
char SplitHyperbolicFlux[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_]
Definition: hypar.h:92
char ConservationCheck[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_]
Definition: hypar.h:371
char op_overwrite[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_]
Definition: hypar.h:191
char output_mode[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_]
Definition: hypar.h:183
char ib_filename[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_]
Definition: hypar.h:434
int * dim_global
Definition: hypar.h:33
int nvars
Definition: hypar.h:29
int flag_ib
Definition: hypar.h:436
double dt
Definition: hypar.h:67
int ndims
Definition: hypar.h:26
int my_idx
Definition: hypar.h:61
char spatial_scheme_hyp[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_]
Definition: hypar.h:84
char ip_file_type[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_]
Definition: hypar.h:180
int file_op_iter
Definition: hypar.h:171
int nsims
Definition: hypar.h:64
int screen_op_iter
Definition: hypar.h:168
int use_petscTS
Definition: hypar.h:390
char spatial_type_par[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_]
Definition: hypar.h:96
char spatial_scheme_par[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_]
Definition: hypar.h:99
int restart_iter
Definition: hypar.h:58
char interp_type[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_]
Definition: hypar.h:88

◆ OutputSolution()

void OutputSolution ( )

Output solutions to file

Write solutions to file

Definition at line 11 of file SparseGridsOutputSolution.cpp.

12 {
13  /* if asked for, write individual sparse grids solutions */
14  if (m_write_sg_solutions == 1) {
15  for (int ns = 0; ns < m_nsims_sg; ns++) {
16  if (m_sims_sg[ns].solver.PhysicsOutput) {
17  m_sims_sg[ns].solver.PhysicsOutput( &(m_sims_sg[ns].solver),
18  &(m_sims_sg[ns].mpi) );
19  }
20  }
21  ::OutputSolution((void*)m_sims_sg.data(), m_nsims_sg);
22  }
24  /* Combine the sparse grids solutions to full grid */
27  /* Write the full grid solution */
28  ::OutputSolution((void*)m_sim_fg, 1);
30  return;
31 }
std::vector< SimulationObject > m_sims_sg
void CombinationTechnique(SimulationObject *const)

◆ CombinationTechnique()

void CombinationTechnique ( SimulationObject * const  a_sim)

Combination technique

Implements the combination technique where the solutions from all the sparse grids are combined to give a higher-resolution solution.

The sparse grids domains may have different processor layouts, so this combination is carried out on rank 0, and the solution is distributed.

a_simtarget simulation object on which to combine

Definition at line 23 of file SparseGridsCombinationTechnique.cpp.

24 {
25  double** u_sg = (double**) calloc (m_nsims_sg, sizeof(double*));
26  std::vector<double> coeffs(m_nsims_sg, 0.0);
27  for (int n=0; n<m_nsims_sg; n++) {
28  u_sg[n] = m_sims_sg[n].solver.u;
29  coeffs[n] = m_combination[n]._coeff_;
30  }
33  u_sg,
34  m_nsims_sg,
35  a_sim,
36  a_sim->solver.u,
37  coeffs.data() );
39  /* done */
40  return;
41 }
std::vector< SimulationObject > m_sims_sg
std::vector< SGCTElem > m_combination
double * u
Definition: hypar.h:116
void CombineSolutions(SimulationObject *, double *const *const, const int, SimulationObject *, double *const, const double *const)

◆ interpolate() [1/2]

void interpolate ( SimulationObject * const  a_dst,
const SimulationObject * const  a_src 

Interpolate data from one simulation object to another

Interpolate data from one grid to another. Note that along each dimension, the ratio of the number of grid points in the source grid and that in the destination grid must be an integer power of 2 (negative or positive).

a_dstDestination object
a_srcSource object

Definition at line 15 of file SparseGridsInterpolate.cpp.

18 {
19  /* get the destination grid dimensions */
20  GridDimensions dim_dst;
21  StdVecOps::copyFrom(dim_dst, a_dst->solver.dim_global, m_ndims);
23  /* get number of vector components */
24  int nvars = a_src->solver.nvars;
25  if (nvars != a_dst->solver.nvars) {
26  fprintf(stderr, "Error in SparseGridsSimulation::interpolate(): unequal nvars\n");
27  exit(1);
28  }
30  double *ug_dst = NULL;
31  interpolate(dim_dst, &ug_dst, a_src);
33  /* partition the destination */
35  (void*) &(a_dst->mpi),
36  (a_dst->mpi.rank ? NULL : ug_dst),
37  a_dst->solver.u,
38  a_dst->solver.dim_global,
39  a_dst->solver.dim_local,
40  a_dst->solver.ghosts,
41  nvars);
43  if (!m_rank) {
44  free(ug_dst);
45  }
47  return;
48 }
int * dim_local
Definition: hypar.h:37
int ghosts
Definition: hypar.h:52
int * dim_global
Definition: hypar.h:33
int nvars
Definition: hypar.h:29
double * u
Definition: hypar.h:116
void copyFrom(std::vector< int > &a_iv, const int *const a_iv_carr, int a_n)
Definition: std_vec_ops.h:36
void interpolate(SimulationObject *const, const SimulationObject *const)
int MPIPartitionArraynDwGhosts(int, void *, double *, double *, int *, int *, int, int)
std::vector< int > GridDimensions

◆ interpolate() [2/2]

void interpolate ( const GridDimensions a_dim_dst,
double ** const  a_u_dst,
const SimulationObject * const  a_src 

Interpolate data from a simulation to a global C-array

Interpolate data from one grid to another of a desired resolution. Note that along each dimension, the ratio of the number of grid points in the source grid and that in the destination grid must be an integer power of 2 (negative or positive).

The incoming pointer must be NULL. After this function is executed, it will point to a chunk of memory with the interpolated solution. This is the global solution.

Since the source and destination grids may have different processor layouts, the interpolation is carried out on rank 0 by allocating global arrays on it. Therefore, this function is not scalable.

a_dim_dstgrid dimensions to interpolate to
a_u_dstpointer to array containing interpolated data
a_srcSource object

Definition at line 63 of file SparseGridsInterpolate.cpp.

67 {
68  if ((*a_u_dst) != NULL) {
69  fprintf(stderr, "Error in SparseGridsSimulation::interpolate() - \n");
70  fprintf(stderr, " a_u_dst is not NULL!\n");
71  exit(1);
72  }
74  /* get the source grid dimensions */
75  GridDimensions dim_src;
76  StdVecOps::copyFrom(dim_src, a_src->solver.dim_global, m_ndims);
78  /* get number of vector components and number of ghost points*/
79  int nvars = a_src->solver.nvars;
80  int ghosts = a_src->solver.ghosts;
82  /* gather the source on rank 0 */
83  double *ug_src = NULL;
84  if (!m_rank) allocateDataArrays(dim_src, nvars, &ug_src, ghosts);
86  (void*) &(a_src->mpi),
87  ug_src,
88  a_src->solver.u,
89  a_src->solver.dim_global,
90  a_src->solver.dim_local,
91  ghosts,
92  nvars );
94  std::vector<int> periodic_arr(m_ndims);
95  for (int i=0; i<m_ndims; i++) {
96  periodic_arr[i] = (m_is_periodic[i] ? 1 : 0);
97  }
99  if (!m_rank) {
100  int ierr = ::InterpolateGlobalnDVar( a_dim_dst.data(),
101  a_u_dst,
102  dim_src.data(),
103  ug_src,
104  nvars,
105  ghosts,
106  m_ndims,
107  periodic_arr.data());
108  if (ierr) {
109  fprintf(stderr,"InterpolateGlobalnDVar() returned with error!\n");
110  exit(1);
111  }
112  }
114  return;
115 }
int * dim_local
Definition: hypar.h:37
int ghosts
Definition: hypar.h:52
int InterpolateGlobalnDVar(const int *const, double **const, const int *const, double *const, const int, const int, const int, const int *const)
void allocateDataArrays(const GridDimensions &a_dim, const int a_nvars, double **const a_u, const int a_ngpt=0)
int * dim_global
Definition: hypar.h:33
int nvars
Definition: hypar.h:29
double * u
Definition: hypar.h:116
void copyFrom(std::vector< int > &a_iv, const int *const a_iv_carr, int a_n)
Definition: std_vec_ops.h:36
int MPIGatherArraynDwGhosts(int, void *, double *, double *, int *, int *, int, int)
std::vector< int > GridDimensions
std::vector< bool > m_is_periodic

◆ interpolateGrid()

void interpolateGrid ( SimulationObject * const  a_dst,
const SimulationObject * const  a_src 

Interpolate data from one simulation object to another

Interpolate grid coordinates from one grid to another. Note that along each dimension, the ratio of the number of grid points in the source grid and that in the destination grid must be an integer power of 2 (negative or positive).

Since the source and destination grids may have different processor layouts, the interpolation is carried out on rank 0 by allocating global arrays on it. Therefore, this function is not scalable.

a_dstDestination object
a_srcSource object

Definition at line 20 of file SparseGridsInterpolateGrid.cpp.

23 {
24  /* get the source and destination grid dimensions */
25  GridDimensions dim_src, dim_dst;
26  StdVecOps::copyFrom(dim_src, a_src->solver.dim_global, m_ndims);
27  StdVecOps::copyFrom(dim_dst, a_dst->solver.dim_global, m_ndims);
29  /* gather the source on rank 0 */
30  double* xg_src = NULL;
31  if (!m_rank) allocateGridArrays(dim_src, &xg_src);
32  {
33  int offset_global, offset_local;
34  offset_global = offset_local = 0;
35  for (int d=0; d<m_ndims; d++) {
36  MPIGatherArray1D( (void*) &(a_src->mpi),
37  (a_src->mpi.rank ? NULL : &xg_src[offset_global]),
38  &(a_src->solver.x[offset_local+a_src->solver.ghosts]),
39  a_src->mpi.is[d],
40  a_src->mpi.ie[d],
41  a_src->solver.dim_local[d],
42  0 );
43  offset_global += a_src->solver.dim_global[d];
44  offset_local += a_src->solver.dim_local [d] + 2*a_src->solver.ghosts;
45  }
46  }
48  /* now do the interpolation, dimension-by-dimension */
49  double *xg_dst = NULL;
50  if (!m_rank) {
52  GridDimensions dim_to(m_ndims,0);
53  GridDimensions dim_from(m_ndims,0);
55  double* x_from;
56  double* x_to;
58  dim_to = dim_src;
59  x_to = xg_src;
60  x_from = NULL;
62  for (int dir = 0; dir < m_ndims; dir++) {
64  dim_from = dim_to;
65  dim_to[dir] = dim_dst[dir];
67  if (dim_from[dir] == dim_to[dir]) continue;
69  double fac = (dim_to[dir] > dim_from[dir] ?
70  (double)dim_to[dir]/(double)dim_from[dir]
71  : (double)dim_from[dir]/(double)dim_to[dir] );
72  if (!isPowerOfTwo((int)fac)) {
73  fprintf(stderr,"Error in SparseGridsSimulation::interpolate() - \n");
74  fprintf(stderr," refinement/coarsening factor not a power of 2!\n");
75  exit(1);
76  }
78  if (x_from != NULL) free(x_from);
79  x_from = x_to;
81  allocateGridArrays(dim_to, &x_to);
82  if (dim_to[dir] < dim_from[dir]) {
83  coarsenGrid1D(dim_from, dim_to, x_from, x_to, dir);
84  } else {
85  refineGrid1D(dim_from, dim_to, x_from, x_to, dir);
86  }
88  }
90  /* dim_to should be equal to dim_dst now */
91  for (int d = 0; d < m_ndims; d++) {
92  if (dim_to[d] != dim_dst[d]) {
93  fprintf(stderr,"Error in SparseGridsSimulation::interpolate() - \n");
94  fprintf(stderr," dim_to[%d] != dim_dst[%d]!\n", d, d);
95  exit(1);
96  }
97  }
99  if (x_from != NULL) free(x_from);
100  xg_dst = x_to;
102  }
104  /* partition the destination */
105  int offset_global = 0, offset_local = 0;
106  for (int d=0; d<m_ndims; d++) {
107  MPIPartitionArray1D( (void*) &(a_dst->mpi),
108  (a_dst->mpi.rank ? NULL : &xg_dst[offset_global]),
109  &(a_dst->solver.x[offset_local+a_dst->solver.ghosts]),
110  a_dst->mpi.is[d],
111  a_dst->mpi.ie[d],
112  a_dst->solver.dim_local[d],
113  0);
114  offset_global += a_dst->solver.dim_global[d];
115  offset_local += a_dst->solver.dim_local [d] + 2*a_dst->solver.ghosts;
116  }
118  if (!m_rank) {
119  free(xg_dst);
120  }
122  /* exchange MPI-boundary values of x between processors */
123  {
124  int offset = 0;
125  for (int d = 0; d < m_ndims; d++) {
126  MPIExchangeBoundaries1D( (void*) &(a_dst->mpi),
127  &(a_dst->solver.x[offset]),
128  a_dst->solver.dim_local[d],
129  a_dst->solver.ghosts,
130  d,
131  m_ndims);
132  offset += (a_dst->solver.dim_local[d] + 2*a_dst->solver.ghosts);
133  }
134  }
135  /* fill in ghost values of x at physical boundaries by extrapolation */
136  {
137  int offset = 0;
138  for (int d = 0; d < m_ndims; d++) {
139  double* X = &(a_dst->solver.x[offset]);
140  int* dim = a_dst->solver.dim_local;
141  int ghosts = a_dst->solver.ghosts;
142  if (a_dst->mpi.ip[d] == 0) {
143  /* fill left boundary along this dimension */
144  for (int i = 0; i < ghosts; i++) {
145  int delta = ghosts - i;
146  X[i] = X[ghosts] + ((double) delta) * (X[ghosts]-X[ghosts+1]);
147  }
148  }
149  if (a_dst->mpi.ip[d] == a_dst->mpi.iproc[d]-1) {
150  /* fill right boundary along this dimension */
151  for (int i = dim[d]+ghosts; i < dim[d]+2*ghosts; i++) {
152  int delta = i - (dim[d]+ghosts-1);
153  X[i] = X[dim[d]+ghosts-1]
154  + ((double) delta) * (X[dim[d]+ghosts-1]-X[dim[d]+ghosts-2]);
155  }
156  }
157  offset += (dim[d] + 2*ghosts);
158  }
159  }
160  return;
161 }
int MPIExchangeBoundaries1D(void *, double *, int, int, int, int)
int * dim_local
Definition: hypar.h:37
int ghosts
Definition: hypar.h:52
void coarsenGrid1D(const GridDimensions &, const GridDimensions &, const double *const, double *const, int)
void refineGrid1D(const GridDimensions &, const GridDimensions &, const double *const, double *const, int)
void allocateGridArrays(const GridDimensions &a_dim, double **const a_x, const int a_ngpt=0)
int * dim_global
Definition: hypar.h:33
double * x
Definition: hypar.h:107
void copyFrom(std::vector< int > &a_iv, const int *const a_iv_carr, int a_n)
Definition: std_vec_ops.h:36
int MPIPartitionArray1D(void *, double *, double *, int, int, int, int)
int MPIGatherArray1D(void *, double *, double *, int, int, int, int)
std::vector< int > GridDimensions

◆ coarsenGrid1D()

void coarsenGrid1D ( const GridDimensions a_dim_src,
const GridDimensions a_dim_dst,
const double * const  a_x_src,
double * const  a_x_dst,
int  a_dir 

Coarsen along a given dimension

Coarsen along a given dimension - the source and destination must have the same sizes along all other dimensions.

Note that the grid must not have any ghost points!

a_dim_srcGrid size of source data
a_dim_dstGrid size of destination data
a_x_srcSource grid
a_x_dstDestination grid
a_dirDimension along which to coarsen

Definition at line 168 of file SparseGridsInterpolateGrid.cpp.

174 {
175  for (int d = 0; d < m_ndims; d++) {
176  if ((d != a_dir) && (a_dim_src[d] != a_dim_dst[d])) {
177  fprintf(stderr, "Error in SparseGridsSimulation::coarsenGrid1D() -\n");
178  fprintf(stderr, " a_dim_src[%d] != a_dim_dst[%d]\n", d, d);
179  exit(1);
180  }
181  }
183  int n_src = a_dim_src[a_dir];
184  int n_dst = a_dim_dst[a_dir];
185  if (n_dst > n_src) {
186  fprintf(stderr, "Error in SparseGridsSimulation::coarsenGrid1D() -\n");
187  fprintf(stderr, " destination grid is finer than source grid along a_dir!\n");
188  exit(1);
189  }
191  double fac = ((double) n_src) / ((double) n_dst);
192  int stride = (int) fac;
193  if (std::abs(((double)stride)-fac) > _MACHINE_ZERO_) {
194  fprintf(stderr, "Error in SparseGridsSimulation::coarsenGrid1D() -\n");
195  fprintf(stderr, " non-integer coarsening factor!\n");
196  exit(1);
197  }
199  const double* x_src = a_x_src;
200  double* x_dst = a_x_dst;
202  for (int d = 0; d < m_ndims; d++) {
204  if (d == a_dir) {
206  for (int i = 0; i < a_dim_dst[d]; i++) {
207  double avg = 0;
208  for (int j=stride*i; j<stride*(i+1); j++) {
209  if (j >= n_src) {
210  fprintf(stderr, "Error in SparseGridsSimulation::coarsenGrid1D() -\n");
211  fprintf(stderr, " j >= n_src!\n");
212  exit(1);
213  }
214  avg += x_src[j];
215  }
216  avg /= (double) stride;
217  x_dst[i] = avg;
218  }
220  } else {
222  _ArrayCopy1D_(x_src, x_dst, a_dim_dst[d]);
224  }
226  x_src += a_dim_src[d];
227  x_dst += a_dim_dst[d];
228  }
230  return;
231 }
#define _ArrayCopy1D_(x, y, size)
#define _MACHINE_ZERO_
Definition: basic.h:26

◆ refineGrid1D()

void refineGrid1D ( const GridDimensions a_dim_src,
const GridDimensions a_dim_dst,
const double * const  a_x_src,
double * const  a_x_dst,
int  a_dir 

Refine along a given dimension

Refine along a given dimension - the source and destination must have the same sizes along all other dimensions.

Note that the grid must not have any ghost points!

a_dim_srcGrid size of source data
a_dim_dstGrid size of destination data
a_x_srcSource grid
a_x_dstDestination grid
a_dirDimension along which to refine

Definition at line 238 of file SparseGridsInterpolateGrid.cpp.

244 {
245  for (int d = 0; d < m_ndims; d++) {
246  if ((d != a_dir) && (a_dim_src[d] != a_dim_dst[d])) {
247  fprintf(stderr, "Error in SparseGridsSimulation::coarsenGrid1D() -\n");
248  fprintf(stderr, " a_dim_src[%d] != a_dim_dst[%d]\n", d, d);
249  exit(1);
250  }
251  }
253  int n_src = a_dim_src[a_dir];
254  int n_dst = a_dim_dst[a_dir];
255  if (n_dst < n_src) {
256  fprintf(stderr, "Error in SparseGridsSimulation::refineGrid1D() -\n");
257  fprintf(stderr, " destination grid is coarser than source grid along a_dir!\n");
258  exit(1);
259  }
261  double fac = ((double) n_dst) / ((double) n_src);
262  int stride = (int) fac;
263  if (std::abs(((double)stride)-fac) > _MACHINE_ZERO_) {
264  fprintf(stderr, "Error in SparseGridsSimulation::refineGrid1D() -\n");
265  fprintf(stderr, " non-integer refinement factor!\n");
266  exit(1);
267  }
269  int offset = 0;
270  for (int d = 0; d < a_dir; d++) offset += a_dim_src[d];
271  const double* x_src = a_x_src + offset;
272  double* x_dst = a_x_dst + offset;
274  fprintf(stderr, "Error in SparseGridsSimulation::refineGrid1D() -\n");
275  fprintf(stderr, " NOT YET IMPLEMENTED! Why do you need this?\n");
276  exit(1);
278  return;
279 }
#define _MACHINE_ZERO_
Definition: basic.h:26

◆ fillGhostCells()

void fillGhostCells ( const GridDimensions a_dim,
const int  a_ngpt,
double * const  a_u,
const int  a_nvars 

Fill ghost cells for interpolation

Fill the ghost cells of a solution. Note that the solution array must be a global one (not one that is partitioned among MPI ranks). This is not a parallel operation (it will execute independently on multiple MPI ranks, if called by multiple processes).

For periodicity along any dimension, the ghost cells are filled appropriately from the other side of the domain. Otherwise, the interior data is extrapolated by a 4th order polynomial (assuming uniform grid spacing).

a_dimgrid dimensions of solution
a_ngptnumber of ghost cells
a_usolution array
a_nvarsnumber of vector components of the solution

Definition at line 18 of file SparseGridsFillGhostCells.cpp.

23 {
24  if (m_is_periodic.size() != m_ndims) {
25  fprintf(stderr, "Error in SparseGridsSimulation::fillGhostCells() -\n");
26  fprintf(stderr, "m_is_periodic.size() != m_ndims \n");
27  exit(1);
28  }
30  for (int d = 0; d < m_ndims; d++) {
32  int bounds[m_ndims];
33  _ArrayCopy1D_(a_dim, bounds, m_ndims);
34  bounds[d] = a_ngpt;
36  int index[m_ndims];
37  _ArraySetValue_(index, m_ndims, 0);
39  if (m_is_periodic[d]) {
41  /* periodic case */
43  int done = 0;
44  while (!done) {
46  {
47  /* low end - face = 1 */
49  int p_gpt = 0,
50  p_int = 0;
52  int index_gpt[m_ndims];
53  _ArrayCopy1D_(index, index_gpt, m_ndims);
54  index_gpt[d] -= a_ngpt;
55  _ArrayIndex1D_(m_ndims, a_dim, index_gpt, a_ngpt, p_gpt);
57  int index_int[m_ndims];
58  _ArrayCopy1D_(index, index_int, m_ndims);
59  index_int[d] += (a_dim[d]-a_ngpt);
60  _ArrayIndex1D_(m_ndims, a_dim, index_int, a_ngpt, p_int);
62  _ArrayCopy1D_((a_u+a_nvars*p_int), (a_u+a_nvars*p_gpt), a_nvars);
63  }
65  {
66  /* high end - face = -1 */
68  int p_gpt = 0,
69  p_int = 0;
71  int index_gpt[m_ndims];
72  _ArrayCopy1D_(index, index_gpt, m_ndims);
73  index_gpt[d] += a_dim[d];
74  _ArrayIndex1D_(m_ndims, a_dim, index_gpt, a_ngpt, p_gpt);
76  int index_int[m_ndims];
77  _ArrayCopy1D_(index, index_int, m_ndims);
78  _ArrayIndex1D_(m_ndims, a_dim, index_int, a_ngpt, p_int);
80  _ArrayCopy1D_((a_u+a_nvars*p_int), (a_u+a_nvars*p_gpt), a_nvars);
81  }
83  _ArrayIncrementIndex_(m_ndims, bounds, index, done);
85  }
87  } else {
89  /* not periodic - extrapolate */
91  int done = 0;
92  while (!done) {
94  {
95  /* low end - face = 1 */
97  int p_gpt = 0,
98  p_int_0 = 0,
99  p_int_1 = 0,
100  p_int_2 = 0,
101  p_int_3 = 0;
103  int index_gpt[m_ndims];
104  _ArrayCopy1D_(index, index_gpt, m_ndims);
105  index_gpt[d] -= a_ngpt;
106  _ArrayIndex1D_(m_ndims, a_dim, index_gpt, a_ngpt, p_gpt);
108  int index_int[m_ndims];
109  _ArrayCopy1D_(index, index_int, m_ndims);
111  index_int[d] = 0;
112  _ArrayIndex1D_(m_ndims, a_dim, index_int, a_ngpt, p_int_0);
113  index_int[d]++;
114  _ArrayIndex1D_(m_ndims, a_dim, index_int, a_ngpt, p_int_1);
115  index_int[d]++;
116  _ArrayIndex1D_(m_ndims, a_dim, index_int, a_ngpt, p_int_2);
117  index_int[d]++;
118  _ArrayIndex1D_(m_ndims, a_dim, index_int, a_ngpt, p_int_3);
120  double alpha = - (double) (a_ngpt - index[d]);
121  double c0 = -((-2.0 + alpha)*(-1.0 + alpha)*alpha)/6.0;
122  double c1 = ((-2.0 + alpha)*(-1.0 + alpha)*(1.0 + alpha))/2.0;
123  double c2 = (alpha*(2.0 + alpha - alpha*alpha))/2.0;
124  double c3 = (alpha*(-1.0 + alpha*alpha))/6.0;
126  for (int v = 0; v < a_nvars; v++) {
128  a_u[p_gpt*a_nvars+v] = c0 * a_u[p_int_0*a_nvars+v]
129  + c1 * a_u[p_int_1*a_nvars+v]
130  + c2 * a_u[p_int_2*a_nvars+v]
131  + c3 * a_u[p_int_3*a_nvars+v];
133  }
135  }
137  {
138  /* high end - face = -1 */
140  int p_gpt = 0,
141  p_int_0 = 0,
142  p_int_1 = 0,
143  p_int_2 = 0,
144  p_int_3 = 0;
146  int index_gpt[m_ndims];
147  _ArrayCopy1D_(index, index_gpt, m_ndims);
148  index_gpt[d] += a_dim[d];
149  _ArrayIndex1D_(m_ndims, a_dim, index_gpt, a_ngpt, p_gpt);
151  int index_int[m_ndims];
152  _ArrayCopy1D_(index, index_int, m_ndims);
154  index_int[d] = a_dim[d]-1;
155  _ArrayIndex1D_(m_ndims, a_dim, index, a_ngpt, p_int_0);
156  index_int[d]--;
157  _ArrayIndex1D_(m_ndims, a_dim, index, a_ngpt, p_int_1);
158  index_int[d]--;
159  _ArrayIndex1D_(m_ndims, a_dim, index, a_ngpt, p_int_2);
160  index_int[d]--;
161  _ArrayIndex1D_(m_ndims, a_dim, index, a_ngpt, p_int_3);
163  double alpha = - (double) (index[d]+1);
164  double c0 = -((-2.0 + alpha)*(-1.0 + alpha)*alpha)/6.0;
165  double c1 = ((-2.0 + alpha)*(-1.0 + alpha)*(1.0 + alpha))/2.0;
166  double c2 = (alpha*(2.0 + alpha - alpha*alpha))/2.0;
167  double c3 = (alpha*(-1.0 + alpha*alpha))/6.0;
169  for (int v = 0; v < a_nvars; v++) {
171  a_u[p_gpt*a_nvars+v] = c0 * a_u[p_int_0*a_nvars+v]
172  + c1 * a_u[p_int_1*a_nvars+v]
173  + c2 * a_u[p_int_2*a_nvars+v]
174  + c3 * a_u[p_int_3*a_nvars+v];
176  }
178  }
180  _ArrayIncrementIndex_(m_ndims, bounds, index, done);
182  }
184  }
186  }
188  return;
189 }
#define _ArrayIncrementIndex_(N, imax, i, done)
#define _ArraySetValue_(x, size, value)
#define _ArrayCopy1D_(x, y, size)
std::vector< bool > m_is_periodic
#define _ArrayIndex1D_(N, imax, i, ghost, index)

◆ CalculateError()

void CalculateError ( )

Calculate errors

Calculates the error in the solution if the exact solution is available. The exact solution should be provided in the file "exact.inp" in the same format as the initial solution.

Definition at line 17 of file SparseGridsCalculateError.cpp.

18 {
19  int exact_flag;
20  double *uex = NULL;
22  /* read in full grid exact solution, if available */
23  {
24  HyPar* solver = &(m_sim_fg->solver);
25  MPIVariables* mpi = &(m_sim_fg->mpi);
26  long size = solver->nvars * solver->npoints_local_wghosts;
27  uex = (double*) calloc (size, sizeof(double));
29  char fname_root[_MAX_STRING_SIZE_] = "exact";
30  IERR ExactSolution( solver,
31  mpi,
32  uex,
33  fname_root,
34  &exact_flag ); CHECKERR(ierr);
35  }
37  for (int n=0; n<m_nsims_sg; n++) {
38 // TimeError( &(m_sims_sg[n].solver),
39 // &(m_sims_sg[n].mpi),
40 // uex );
41  }
43  if (!exact_flag) {
45  /* No exact solution available */
46  for (int n=0; n<m_nsims_sg; n++) {
47  m_sims_sg[n].solver.error[0]
48  = m_sims_sg[n].solver.error[1]
49  = m_sims_sg[n].solver.error[2]
50  = -1;
51  }
52  m_sim_fg->solver.error[0]
53  = m_sim_fg->solver.error[1]
54  = m_sim_fg->solver.error[2]
55  = -1;
57  } else {
59  std::vector<int> periodic_arr(m_ndims);
60  for (int i=0; i<m_ndims; i++) {
61  periodic_arr[i] = (m_is_periodic[i] ? 1 : 0);
62  }
64  double *uex2 = NULL;
66  if (m_print_sg_errors == 1) {
67  long size = m_sim_fg->solver.nvars
69  uex2 = (double*) calloc(size, sizeof(double));
70  _ArrayCopy1D_(uex, uex2, size);
71  }
73  /* calculate error for full grid */
74  computeError( *m_sim_fg, uex );
76  /* calculate error for sparse grids */
77  if (m_print_sg_errors == 1) {
78  for (int n = 0; n < m_nsims_sg; n++) {
80  GridDimensions dim_fg(m_ndims,0);
83  GridDimensions dim_sg(m_ndims,0);
84  StdVecOps::copyFrom(dim_sg, m_sims_sg[n].solver.dim_global, m_ndims);
86  /* assemble the global exact solution on full grid */
87  double *uex_global_fg = NULL;
88  if (!m_rank) {
89  allocateDataArrays( dim_fg,
91  &uex_global_fg,
93  }
95  (void*) &(m_sim_fg->mpi),
96  uex_global_fg,
97  uex2,
101  m_sim_fg->solver.nvars );
103  /* interpolate to sparse grid -
104  * this will delete the full grid array*/
105  double *uex_global_sg = NULL;
106  if (!m_rank) {
107  int ierr = ::InterpolateGlobalnDVar( dim_sg.data(),
108  &uex_global_sg,
109  dim_fg.data(),
110  uex_global_fg,
111  m_sims_sg[n].solver.nvars,
112  m_sims_sg[n].solver.ghosts,
113  m_ndims,
114  periodic_arr.data() );
115  if (ierr) {
116  fprintf(stderr,"InterpolateGlobalnDVar() returned with error!\n");
117  exit(1);
118  }
119  }
121  /* allocate local exact solution on this sparse grid */
122  long size = m_sims_sg[n].solver.nvars
123  * m_sims_sg[n].solver.npoints_local_wghosts;
124  double* uex_sg = (double*) calloc(size, sizeof(double));
126  /* partition the global exact solution to local on this sparse grid */
128  (void*) &(m_sims_sg[n].mpi),
129  (m_rank ? NULL : uex_global_sg),
130  uex_sg,
131  m_sims_sg[n].solver.dim_global,
132  m_sims_sg[n].solver.dim_local,
133  m_sims_sg[n].solver.ghosts,
134  m_sims_sg[n].solver.nvars );
136  /* delete the global exact solution array */
137  if (!m_rank) free(uex_global_sg);
139  /* compute the error */
140  computeError( m_sims_sg[n], uex_sg);
142  /* delete the exact solution array */
143  free(uex_sg);
144  }
145  free(uex2);
146  }
148  }
150  free(uex);
151  return;
152 }
void computeError(SimulationObject &, double *const)
double error[3]
Definition: hypar.h:366
#define CHECKERR(ierr)
Definition: basic.h:18
Definition: basic.h:14
int * dim_local
Definition: hypar.h:37
int ghosts
Definition: hypar.h:52
int InterpolateGlobalnDVar(const int *const, double **const, const int *const, double *const, const int, const int, const int, const int *const)
void allocateDataArrays(const GridDimensions &a_dim, const int a_nvars, double **const a_u, const int a_ngpt=0)
#define _ArrayCopy1D_(x, y, size)
std::vector< SimulationObject > m_sims_sg
Structure of MPI-related variables.
int * dim_global
Definition: hypar.h:33
int nvars
Definition: hypar.h:29
#define IERR
Definition: basic.h:16
void copyFrom(std::vector< int > &a_iv, const int *const a_iv_carr, int a_n)
Definition: std_vec_ops.h:36
int ExactSolution(void *, void *, double *, char *, int *)
Definition: ExactSolution.c:16
int npoints_local_wghosts
Definition: hypar.h:42
int MPIPartitionArraynDwGhosts(int, void *, double *, double *, int *, int *, int, int)
int MPIGatherArraynDwGhosts(int, void *, double *, double *, int *, int *, int, int)
std::vector< int > GridDimensions
Structure containing all solver-specific variables and functions.
Definition: hypar.h:23
std::vector< bool > m_is_periodic

◆ computeError()

void computeError ( SimulationObject a_sim,
double * const  a_uex 

Compute error for a simulation object

compute errors for a particular simulation object

a_simSimulation object
a_uexExact solution

Definition at line 155 of file SparseGridsCalculateError.cpp.

157 {
158  static const double tolerance = 1e-15;
160  HyPar* solver = &(a_sim.solver);
161  MPIVariables* mpi = &(a_sim.mpi);
163  if (a_uex == NULL) {
164  fprintf(stderr, "Error in SparseGrids::computeError() -\n");
165  fprintf(stderr, " exact solution pointer in NULL.\n");
166  exit(1);
167  }
169  /* calculate solution norms (for relative error) */
170  double sum, global_sum;
171  double solution_norm[3] = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
172  /* L1 */
173  sum = ArraySumAbsnD (solver->nvars,solver->ndims,solver->dim_local,
174  solver->ghosts,solver->index,a_uex);
175  global_sum = 0; MPISum_double(&global_sum,&sum,1,&mpi->world);
176  solution_norm[0] = global_sum/((double)solver->npoints_global);
177  /* L2 */
178  sum = ArraySumSquarenD(solver->nvars,solver->ndims,solver->dim_local,
179  solver->ghosts,solver->index,a_uex);
180  global_sum = 0; MPISum_double(&global_sum,&sum,1,&mpi->world);
181  solution_norm[1] = sqrt(global_sum/((double)solver->npoints_global));
182  /* Linf */
183  sum = ArrayMaxnD (solver->nvars,solver->ndims,solver->dim_local,
184  solver->ghosts,solver->index,a_uex);
185  global_sum = 0; MPIMax_double(&global_sum,&sum,1,&mpi->world);
186  solution_norm[2] = global_sum;
188  /* compute error = difference between exact and numerical solution */
189  long size = solver->nvars*solver->npoints_local_wghosts;
190  _ArrayAXPY_(solver->u,-1.0,a_uex,size);
192  /* calculate L1 norm of error */
193  sum = ArraySumAbsnD (solver->nvars,solver->ndims,solver->dim_local,
194  solver->ghosts,solver->index,a_uex);
195  global_sum = 0; MPISum_double(&global_sum,&sum,1,&mpi->world);
196  solver->error[0] = global_sum/((double)solver->npoints_global);
198  /* calculate L2 norm of error */
199  sum = ArraySumSquarenD(solver->nvars,solver->ndims,solver->dim_local,
200  solver->ghosts,solver->index,a_uex);
201  global_sum = 0; MPISum_double(&global_sum,&sum,1,&mpi->world);
202  solver->error[1] = sqrt(global_sum/((double)solver->npoints_global));
204  /* calculate Linf norm of error */
205  sum = ArrayMaxnD (solver->nvars,solver->ndims,solver->dim_local,
206  solver->ghosts,solver->index,a_uex);
207  global_sum = 0; MPIMax_double(&global_sum,&sum,1,&mpi->world);
208  solver->error[2] = global_sum;
210  /*
211  decide whether to normalize and report relative errors,
212  or report absolute errors.
213  */
214  if ( (solution_norm[0] > tolerance)
215  && (solution_norm[1] > tolerance)
216  && (solution_norm[2] > tolerance) ) {
217  solver->error[0] /= solution_norm[0];
218  solver->error[1] /= solution_norm[1];
219  solver->error[2] /= solution_norm[2];
220  }
222  return;
223 }
double error[3]
Definition: hypar.h:366
#define _ArrayAXPY_(x, a, y, size)
INLINE double ArrayMaxnD(int, int, int *, int, int *, double *)
int * dim_local
Definition: hypar.h:37
MPI_Comm world
int ghosts
Definition: hypar.h:52
INLINE double ArraySumSquarenD(int, int, int *, int, int *, double *)
int * index
Definition: hypar.h:102
Structure of MPI-related variables.
int nvars
Definition: hypar.h:29
double * u
Definition: hypar.h:116
int ndims
Definition: hypar.h:26
int npoints_global
Definition: hypar.h:40
int npoints_local_wghosts
Definition: hypar.h:42
long sum(const std::vector< int > &a_iv)
Definition: std_vec_ops.h:18
int MPIMax_double(double *, double *, int, void *)
Definition: MPIMax.c:38
INLINE double ArraySumAbsnD(int, int, int *, int, int *, double *)
int MPISum_double(double *, double *, int, void *)
Definition: MPISum.c:39
Structure containing all solver-specific variables and functions.
Definition: hypar.h:23

◆ isPowerOfTwo()

bool isPowerOfTwo ( int  x)

Checks if an integer is a power of 2

Definition at line 317 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

318  {
319  if (x == 0) return false;
321  while (x > 1) {
322  if (x%2 != 0) return false;
323  x /= 2;
324  }
325  return true;
326  }

◆ cfunc()

double cfunc ( int  a,
int  b 

The combination/choose function from probability stuff

Definition at line 329 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

330  {
331  return ( ( (double)factorial(a) ) / ( (double) (factorial(b)*factorial(a-b)) ) );
332  }

◆ factorial()

int factorial ( int  a)

Factorial function

Definition at line 335 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

336  {
337  int retval = 1.0;
338  for (int i=1; i<=a; i++) retval *= i;
339  return retval;
340  }

◆ allocateGridArrays()

void allocateGridArrays ( const GridDimensions a_dim,
double **const  a_x,
const int  a_ngpt = 0 

Allocate grid array given grid dimension

Definition at line 343 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

346  {
347  GridDimensions dim_wghosts = a_dim;
348  for (int i=0; i<dim_wghosts.size(); i++) {
349  dim_wghosts[i] += (2*a_ngpt);
350  }
351  long size_x = StdVecOps::sum(dim_wghosts);
352  (*a_x) = (double*) calloc (size_x, sizeof(double));
353  for (int i=0; i<size_x; i++) (*a_x)[i] = 0.0;
354  return;
355  }
long sum(const std::vector< int > &a_iv)
Definition: std_vec_ops.h:18
std::vector< int > GridDimensions

◆ allocateDataArrays()

void allocateDataArrays ( const GridDimensions a_dim,
const int  a_nvars,
double **const  a_u,
const int  a_ngpt = 0 

Allocate data arrays given grid dimension

Definition at line 358 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

362  {
363  GridDimensions dim_wghosts = a_dim;
364  for (int i=0; i<dim_wghosts.size(); i++) {
365  dim_wghosts[i] += (2*a_ngpt);
366  }
367  long size_u = a_nvars*StdVecOps::product(dim_wghosts);
368  (*a_u) = (double*) calloc (size_u, sizeof(double));
369  for (int i=0; i<size_u; i++) (*a_u)[i] = 0.0;
370  return;
371  }
long product(const std::vector< int > &a_iv)
Definition: std_vec_ops.h:27
std::vector< int > GridDimensions

Field Documentation

◆ m_is_defined

bool m_is_defined

Boolean to show if this object is defined

Definition at line 212 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

◆ m_nsims_sg

int m_nsims_sg

Number of sparse grids simulations

Definition at line 214 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

◆ m_ndims

int m_ndims

Number of spatial dimensions

Definition at line 215 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

◆ m_rank

int m_rank

MPI rank of this process

Definition at line 216 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

◆ m_nproc

int m_nproc

Total number of MPI ranks

Definition at line 216 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

◆ m_interp_order

int m_interp_order

Order of interpolation between grids (input - sparse_grids.inp )

Definition at line 220 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

◆ m_is_periodic

std::vector<bool> m_is_periodic

Periodicity along each dimension

Definition at line 222 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

◆ m_write_sg_solutions

int m_write_sg_solutions

Write out the sparse grid solutions to file? (input - sparse_grids.inp )

Definition at line 225 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

◆ m_print_sg_errors

int m_print_sg_errors

Print and write out the sparse grid errors? (input - sparse_grids.inp )

Definition at line 228 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

◆ m_sim_fg

SimulationObject* m_sim_fg

full grid simulation object

Definition at line 230 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

◆ m_sims_sg

std::vector<SimulationObject> m_sims_sg

vector of sparse grids simulation objects

Definition at line 231 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

◆ m_n_fg

int m_n_fg

Base2 log of the number of grid points along a dimension of the full grid

Definition at line 233 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

◆ m_imin

int m_imin

Base2 log of the minimum number of grid points along any dimension (input - sparse_grids.inp )

Definition at line 234 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

◆ m_combination

std::vector<SGCTElem> m_combination

Coefficients and grid dimensions for the combination technique

Definition at line 236 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

◆ m_iprocs

std::vector<ProcDistribution> m_iprocs

MPI ranks along each dimension for the grids in the combination technique

Definition at line 237 of file sparse_grids_simulation.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: